I ran away when I was 15 because I couldn't get along with my mother. She accused me of flirting with her husband. (stepfather) I came home but left for good when I was 16. We reunited years later when she needed my help.
@Eclipsed am really very very sorry if my words hurt you any way but intention was not that as you can feel as i put an emoji already in my reply as a prove , sorry again if possible forgave me
Housing is so bad for society and so discriminatory that once I moved out of my perfectly good apartment and lived in a cave on O'ahu. I still haven't moved back into the normal style of living because housing isn't a human right that's protected for everyone. I think that's a cause-. Universal housing.
I ran away twice when I was a youngster. My mother was especially mean and less than nurturing. She always did things with my older sister, and left me at home to babysit younger sister and clean like I was Cinderella or something. No prince to rescue me, so I ran away.
@DreamyCrush sad to know , quite similar as mine but in my situation she was not reason less always but my elder sister (already married that time)spying on me and provoked mom to do much more third degree upon me