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Do you have an embarrassing moment to share?

One time in HS, the band was gonna go out to eat after performance.

The band teacher told us to bring $5 to cover our food.

I get to the register and find out our plates were $10. I was like oh sh!t I don't have enough money馃槚. It was embarrassing but some kid behind me paid for my food馃槃.

Then I was mad at my dad for not giving me enough.
Londonn36-40, M
haha I got something similar, I was too little know about money but I was begging mom to give some so I can buy a chocolate, and my uncle gave me a coin and I ran to market and they said it wasnt enough for anything, god I was disappointed hah.. but I did buy a gum with it
UncleAlbert51-55, M
No I don't, how embarrassing.
trackboy22-25, M
you should have beat up your band director for lying to you. he told you the price of the meal would be 5 dollars when he knew the price was 10 dollars. He did that on purpose to have a big laugh on the band students. 馃樅
BozoBoy36-40, M
My mommy does.... it was on December 22, 1986 the day I was born

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