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Really · 80-89, M
As a growing youth: 'Know your place.' In other words bow to all authoritarianism.
@nedkelly Ages ago...Not to take immediate legal action against a former employer and report them to the police...I shouldn't have even heard the motherfucker out who told me that!
Why don't you calm down.
LukeTheDuke · M
Is that really the worst? @canusernamebemyusername
@LukeTheDuke Since I have had an anxiety disorder since 8 and was told that by a doctor who was not joking, yes. Super insulting and stupid.
LukeTheDuke · M
Ok I see. I hope you find something to relieve anxiety. @canusernamebemyusername
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
Fake it til you make it (or something along those lines).
don't quit smoking
LukeTheDuke · M
Who said that? @SW-User
@LukeTheDuke some idiot who said the government that the government was trying to get people to quit smoking by raising the taxes and that smokers should keep smoking to spite them.