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Ever consider the morality of your choices?

I think to be a good person you have to actively make the decision to be.

I worked a lot of overtime this month, and I got more money than I had planned on my budgeting. I am itching to go on a small off-budget shopping spree, maybe commission some art of my D&D characters, but...
I don't need these things. I'm fine without the extra cash, I'll have enough money either way. Saw someone ask for like, $100 to help pay rent online, and there are always people asking for help with hospital or veterinary bills.

Noticing my own sins snap at my heels is jarring. Maybe I should add a "to donate" part to my monthly budget. Just to selfishly lighten the moral load a tiny bit off my own shoulders.
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Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
That's noble and you must do what's right for you.. what's right for you may not be right for someone else..

There's always someone in need.. too many someone's.. how do you choose? That's what worries me.. if you say yes to someone then someone else is left behind.. that too can be a moral dilemma

I wonder if there's a compromise? Spend some give some away.. after all you DID work for it, you put in the hours and if you don't gain some reward then you might feel less inclined to put in that kind of effort again..

Also.. I wonder.. if there aren't ways to help people and give back which don't involve money?
Selah ·
Idk. Im just naturally a giving person. No guilt or judgement attached. You should figure out why having a surplus makes you feel uncomfortable.
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
@Selah It makes me uncomfortable because I want to buy more things for myself, even after acknowledging that I do not deserve excess more than other people deserve to live securely.

Me buying clothes, takeaway or commissioning art would now be a choice that actively excludes other people's happiness.
Selah ·
@NorthernRoses I dont really understand, i guess. My morality includes my happiness & desires. I dont think giving has to be sacrificial. You could simply do both??
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
@Selah I don't know. I feel like I shouldn't need luxury to be happy, and my desires should be second to other people's safety. Hard to buy that dress or burger when I know people are unable to meet ends elsewhere.

But yeah, I think I'm going to try doing both - Setting off a percentage in my budgeting specifically for donating.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
[@NothernRoses] So what do you think of Alexander Ludwig & Would You Do Him
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
@JohnOinger Noo, he always looks slightly uncomfortable, even when he looks his best in Vikings 😩 Where do you find all these celebrities lol
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@NorthernRoses lol 🤣 I'm a Celebrity Buff
Yes, but in different ways than that. I don't feel morally lighter by helping other people.
Just make sure you don't donate it to some scammer ( sorry for being so cynical )
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I think it is an admirable idea. A little bit can really change some people's lives.
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