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how are you doing with the hole corona virus thing?

<3 plz be safe everyone <3
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
So far it’s less deadly than the regular flu
FindTheBlue · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone I suggest you investigate what exactly the coronavirus actually does once it's inside the human body.

"Which is worse: the flu or the coronavirus?

While the 2019-2020 flu season isn't letting up yet, it's largely been overshadowed by the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19. Since making headlines in December 2019, COVID-19 has infected 89,800 people and killed 3,056 people worldwide.

As public health experts learn more about COVID-19, many are asking, which is worse: the flu or COVID-19?

Based on the latest data, the coronavirus appears to be deadlier."

Wow, I guess I was right.
Oh and there have been over 30 000 deaths from coronavirus, not just a little over a thousand. Might want to check your facts before acting superior.
Lukeman · M
@FindTheBlue Thank you for all your research. I do think it's something to be concerned about and people should be educated with the facts. However, from what I've seen on worldwide news coverage, it seems like an overreaction for the police to be telling people to leave a public park and go home on a sunny day.
FindTheBlue · 26-30, F
@Lukeman That may also be true. We certainly can't trust the Government.
Thank you for wanting me to be safe. I want you to be safe, too.

I'm doing okay with it, I guess. It seems strange I'm getting more used to wearing my mask.

As an introvert, I didn't think the social distancing would make a big difference, but I'm finding it does.
I love people and need to be with them. Just not too many at a time or for too long.

I miss hugs more than anything.
I can talk with people here and on the phone, but it's just not the same as being with them in real time/space. There's so much that's missed.

This is a lonely time for me.

Jennifer15 · 22-25, F
@PhoenixPhail yesss :) i agree lots <3 <3 <3
@Jennifer15 I'm glad you do. That makes it free to do just that, without worrying about, hmmmm... I wonder what he means by doing that. It feels good, but is it safe? What am I getting myself into.

When you know it's just a loving hug without strings attached, you can let yourself just fall into it without worry.
Jennifer15 · 22-25, F
@PhoenixPhail yeah :)
Lukeman · M
I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any more deadly than influenza.
@FindTheBlue people can't change their mind
FindTheBlue · 26-30, F
@YukikoAmagi That's bullshit. Of course they can. It's just not always easy but it also depends on what it they believe in the first place. Religion? Probably not. But something like this? Yeah. I thought it wasn't a big deal at first, too.
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I live in the countryside, sparsely populated so it isn't bed
karysma · 36-40, F
It just got real when my country announced a shut down and I had to move to the farm today. I'm praying it doesn't continue robing people of their freedom
Introvert so I'm used to spending time alone inside. You stay safe toooooooo! 💕
fine, so far. counting blessings.
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ron122 · 41-45, M
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
bored silly

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