“Regrets I’ve had a few... but then again too few to mention... I did what I had to do...” 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶😉
Rambler · 61-69, M
I should have traveled more when I was young

I've never balanced a crayon on a panda 🐼
Not trying harder. I could have done it if I only tried a bit harder. Though, if I had, I'd probably be somewhere else right now. I like where I am right now so I am not really sure of I can consider it a regret.
Wasting important time of my life.
marzipanrover · 31-35, C
What did you do?@ABCDEF7
@marzipanrover I did nothing, that I should have.
GreenGoddess · F
Staying in a toxic relationship for as long as I did 😔
marzipanrover · 31-35, C
What made you leave finally?@GreenGoddess
GreenGoddess · F
@marzipanrover Just got tired of being let down constantly, I didn't want our daughter to go through that it's exhausting.
marzipanrover · 31-35, C
That can be hard. I can’t even imagine. But do you sometimes question you choice of leaving finally?@GreenGoddess
Therifleman · 31-35, M
Pulling the trigger
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Therifleman · 31-35, M
@marzipanrover I did my duty so my friends wouldn't die but still regret taking lives
marzipanrover · 31-35, C
Does it kill you? This regret? How do you deal with it?@Therifleman
Therifleman · 31-35, M
@marzipanrover it's a weight I carry I cope by not forgetting I did and for why I cannot change it but I endure the guilt the regret