PhoenixPhail · M
It's a miracle I'm still breathing. I don't know how I've made it to this point.
Dusty101 · F
Just the birth of my one pound daughter 11 years ago.
A scientific miricle.
The doctors were magic.
A scientific miricle.
The doctors were magic.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Dusty101 wow
Yes. In 2003 I was under a bridge in a very 'hard to get to' place. My heart had stopped beating. A developmentally disabled girl named Katie somehow found me and had the presence of mind to call 9-11. They had to put the paddles to me twice. The likelihood of Katie wandering under a bridge at that particular time was nothing short of miraculous.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@puck61 wow,thanks for sharing your story.
@Tellmeaboutyourself It was the first story I wrote for EP back in April of 2007. SW is basically a reincarnation of EP.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@puck61 yes, even ive been on ep many years ago. It was a nice place to share stories
Yes the birth of my granddaughter. Her mom had issues during the pregnancy, almost lost the baby, an accident and the baby wasn't breathing after she was born. She is 2 months old now and right on target with her development.☺️
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@SW-User that's beautiful
AmySatinpants · 70-79, M
I can think of 2 or 3, I have driven somewhere on faith, did not have enough time to get there (1) or enough gas in the tank to arrive (2) When you do something on faith, that is when you see a multitude of miracles.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@AmySatinpants agree with this 100%
Mktonght · 61-69, M
I believe in miracles and am honored to be a spectator to them regularly. I work with men and women coming out of prison mostly with drug addictions and multiple incarcerations.
By helping them have self-confidence, a faith that there is a real God in their lives and the Holy spirit inside of them; change is real and it works.
By helping them have self-confidence, a faith that there is a real God in their lives and the Holy spirit inside of them; change is real and it works.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Mktonght out of context, but does your job anytime depress you or tire you since it is based on the how the other person is reciprocating or taking in what you are trying to instill? I heard many psychologists and psychiatrists especially of convicts get ptsd or low grade depression
Mktonght · 61-69, M
@Tellmeaboutyourself I have gone to bed more then one night in tears over the loss of a good "friend" who regressed. However, I understand it is not me, it is their struggle with addiction and self-esteem. So grace is my answer, love them and never give up on them.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Mktonght True and very high level of emotional intellect. You are doing a wonderful job helping them :)
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Nope. Not miracles such as mentioned in the Holy Babble.
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
@fairefoutre Stop being bothered what others think.
My thinking the bible is a pile of horse crap shouldn't bother you.
My thinking the bible is a pile of horse crap shouldn't bother you.
Pfuzylogic · M
If a miracle is when you believe that God has intervened in your life, then yes many times.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic wonderful thought
Pfuzylogic · M
Justiceforall · M
Yes I believe in them, and yes I could say that I am a miracle,
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Of course. I have seen them happen on a regular basis.
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
Yes and I sure could use one🙏
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Ravens80 i hope you'd get what you wish for too
Yes in Sept last year
I do and yes, I have.
my kids
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@plAfulandalittleNaughty perfect :)
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BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
For all my mother has been through, she is a miracle
Mktonght · 61-69, M
You know you were bound to get a few snarky reply's. I feel sorry for those who are so jaded that they can only criticize and rebuke others.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I believe the bar people use to consider something a miracle is far too low and frequently gives credit to some Divinity that is owed to the hard work or kindness of our fellow man.
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@ViciDraco that is one perspective i never thought of
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Tellmeaboutyourself It can really affect how people view the world when things that go bad are because of other people being bad, but when things go good it is not that the people are good but that they were brought there by miracle.
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