Just use your other ribs more until it gets better
DeathNote · 26-30, F
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DeathNote · 26-30, F
lol okay @JackieDaytona
@DeathNote why did you delete my reply?
imo21169 · 41-45, F
street pharmacist😉
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MyPathOfTotality · 46-50, M
Does it hurt when you cough?
LadyGrace · 70-79
@MyPathOfTotality They don't even do that anymore. I've fractured my ribs 3 times. All you can do is sit home and let them heal. It does no good to go to the doctor. They do nothing. Except give you pain medicine.
MyPathOfTotality · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace the doctor didn't wrap me either. She just sent me home. I thought she was just mad because I turned down the prescription for the pain medicine. Lol
LadyGrace · 70-79
Ya kindaaa have to thou
Wol62 · 51-55, M
Ouch poor you, how did that happen?
ryanty · 22-25, M
I cracked a rib before, i went to the doctor and there isn't much they can do
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DeathNote · 26-30, F
I might @HeilHitler
Good choice...
dale74 · M
Cracked ribs hurt way more than broken ribs

alright well, rot away then