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What is one of the toughest trials you have ever faced?

If you don't want to talk about it, I understand. For me, I would definitely say losing a friend to suicide in January 1999, after she battled drugs for a year and a half.
itisntanything · 22-25
losing a very close friend of mine in 2016 and then moving from my home city of Los Angeles to a very small town in Texas in 2017. It was really rough but it taught me a lot of things. Way too many things to go into detail on a single comment but... I wouldn’t change a thing. It hurt more than you can imagine and it still hurts me but it was worth it.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Lost my girlfriend just without talking to her. Lost my friends without talking to them. I been through lots struggles to live.

All this...I need to change worry about building Knowledge. Skills for perfection and try to force to change my life. Sometimes I have to beat myself if I failed.
Moving to another country, starting from scratch and making it to the top in just 4 years. I’m back in my own now, but I loved everything about the one I lived in for those 4 years. It will be my second home.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
1. Losing my dad to Sickle Cell Anemia in August, 2011.

2. Screwing up so bad that I had to hit the reset button on life, and being extremely depressed and feeling completely hopeless.
Fighting my suicidal thoughts and urges. i'm doing well with my recovery - though it still likes to rear its head from time to time.
Losing my husband and our young son in a car was over 30 years ago and still haunts me. I never remarried, never had another child.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard 🤗 my friend, I am so sorry.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard I'm sorry to hear that 🙁.
Losing my brother to suicide when he was 19.
Sorry for your loss, I can empathise.I lost my best friend to suicide too, back in 2002 and found him.
Other toughest trials would have to be fighting suicidal ideation sand attempts since I was 10 years old, beating both cocaine and heroin addiction was another one.
Not only having my daughter prematurely, and watching her grow in a little plastic box, but when she was later ill and watchung the doctors make her breathe again.
@SW-User Oh my...
@latinbutterfly Funnily enough, it was today, 4 years ago.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
Had small intestines surgeries, now only having 2ft of my small intestines left and all of my large intestines and colon are still there.
Now I have a feeding tube that runs every night for 10 hours into my stomach.
@Smart23 Oh wow 😮...I hope things get better for you.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@SW-User *Hugs* love you Ninjacake
@FreestyleArt love ya too x
Travelbug · 56-60, F
After a very difficult marriage, I had to leave with nothing and start again with no help from anyone. But I did it and although it was hard, I got there in the end.
Success · 26-30, F
My father died soon after we emigrated to Canada. We were desperately poor and my mother couldn't emotionally cope, so at 16 I had to take total charge.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Spending my childhood in one abusive foster home after another for 14 years.
The death of Joe. My beloved, dearest friend
StraCat · 41-45, M
Same. Suicide of a loved one.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
I'm sorry for your loss.
@Beatbox34 Thank you...
Sorry for your loss :(
@SW-User Thank you...
gregloa · 61-69, M
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Here's two: my divorce almost 16 years ago to the day, and the death of my father in August of this year.
@uncalled4 Sorry for your loss...
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@latinbutterfly Thank you, and for yours, as well.

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