TinyViolins · 31-35, M
24. I was hopeful and driven and loving being out on my own and trying new things. It was before I realized how clueless I was, how hollow life's pleasures can be when enjoyed in isolation, or how callous and self-interested people truly were.
I miss the freedom that came with being naive.
I miss the freedom that came with being naive.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
9-13. Just had the most fun during those times. I got away with a lot of stuff I couldn't do now that I'm grown.
Smalljuan · 36-40, M
@HannibalMontanimal like what kind of stuff care to elaborate
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@Smalljuan Being super loud and obnoxious with friends. Pulling pranks in school. I used to steal a lot too, when I was that age. I know it's fucked up. It was fun though.
soulsrespite · F
childhood. i miss my innocence
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soulsrespite · F
7/8/9 before everything went to shit @Smalljuan
Smalljuan · 36-40, M
@soulsrespite may I ask what happened that cause things to go downhill after that age
soulsrespite · F
(: @Smalljuan
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Lindaisfun · 26-30, F
10. Lol. No worries
17, I was sleeping with both of my older female roommates 😛
SATshirtBob · 70-79, M
I'd say around age 7 or 8,but only if the world could return to how it was,back then. By that time I had been giving myself dry orgasms for about 4 years and already had begun exploring what was in between my neighboring "boy friends'" legs! Totally innocent and plenty of FUN!
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
4-11 everything was good those years then after that real world kicked in


Can I jump forward to 100 so that I'm fucking dead?