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Have you ever felt like a stupid idiot who can't do anything right?

I've made so made dumb life decisions over the past 12 years, and I'm really feeling that way right now...
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
Learn from your mistakes, don't beat yourself up over them. They're history.
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
Dont beat yourself up. Just try to improve. Tiny steps
Peppa · 31-35, F
Youve had some kind and caring words written here. Believe them
We all make bad decisions. Often when things go wrong we reflect on all the negatives. I'm sure of all the 'dumb' things you've done there have been good things. Focus on them and learn from your mistakes. Life is too short, dont get sucked down by negativity..
Yes often.
You get one go at life with no replays.
Given that i need to retry everything i do to get it right, it's hardly surprising that life is going to be a bit of a failure first time through.
Dannyboii · 22-25, M
Share your story with, maybe we could learn from it.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@Dannyboii Don't quit a job unless you have a replacement lined up...
silkandlace · 46-50, M
Quite often, and i'm a bit older than you,, you're not alone!!
AnarchoMetalchic · 36-40
Yes, but at the same time you can stop making those decisions now and make the future better than the past.
passingby8 · 31-35, F
Not really I feel like there's only so much I can do specially by myself and the odds are just against me.
it is difficult to get over letting oneself down

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