ZedsLeppelin2 · 61-69, F
You being 18-21 yrs old, are most likely "bored" because you were raised in an era of parents who used computers and video games to occupy their young kids time....therefore there being a lot of kids your age(young ADULTS) who are sadly addicted to the internet and their social media accounts..... who are WASTING their youth(young adult lives) searching the freakin' internet for validation/approval in the CYBER world(????) that only has you all feeling so lonely/depressed in your REAL LIVES.
When I was your age, man even though I was a young single teenage mom back in 1980, I still had so much fun at your age just hanging out with my REAL LIFE friends back then...eh but now you kids are ADDICTED to social media, where you have THOUSANDS of "friends"...yet all feel so lonely :(
The common sense solution to having friends, is to GET OFF social media, and find a hobby/activity/sport you like to do...where you will meet people IN PERSON who have the same interests as YOU do, in your REAL WORLD. :)
When I was your age, man even though I was a young single teenage mom back in 1980, I still had so much fun at your age just hanging out with my REAL LIFE friends back then...eh but now you kids are ADDICTED to social media, where you have THOUSANDS of "friends"...yet all feel so lonely :(
The common sense solution to having friends, is to GET OFF social media, and find a hobby/activity/sport you like to do...where you will meet people IN PERSON who have the same interests as YOU do, in your REAL WORLD. :)
Ariome · 22-25, M
@ZedsLeppelin2 We do have friends in the REAL WORLD. You saying that we have no real friends and we’re addicted to the internet is nonsense. Yes we do have hobbies and we do have the same interests as others. We use this is to connect with others and make friends on here when we’re feeling lonely when we’re down. Why are you on here and attacking the youth just because we have internet and we’re so called addictive?
ZedsLeppelin2 · 61-69, F
Look, back in my day when I was your age, there was no internet, no cable TV, no 24-7 cartoon networks or cell phones.....THUS us kids having to use our IMAGINATIONS to have fun...as well as having to either walk or ride our bikes to school, as well as having to walk or ride our bikes to our sport practices and games where we still had ENERGY to still excel ...BECAUSE back then our parents didn't coddle us.
Back when I was just 10 freakin' yrs old, I would ride my bike 2 miles to get to my softball practices and games on time back then.....eh but now you NUTS on left would call that "child abuse", smh.
Back when I was just 10 freakin' yrs old, I would ride my bike 2 miles to get to my softball practices and games on time back then.....eh but now you NUTS on left would call that "child abuse", smh.
Ariome · 22-25, M
How would we call that child abuse. Are you crazy or something??? You realize we still ride bikes and still have the energy for practice right. Besides what does the internet have to deal with going to school and sports activities WE STILL HAVE ENERGY FOR THAT. How about you just dropped this right now before this gets out of hand do you understand me.
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DeathNote · 26-30, F
Yes they are.😫@SW-User
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DeathNote · 26-30, F
lol EW@SW-User
Ariome · 22-25, M
Same here they're either sleeping or talking with someone else lol
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
Hint: Mentioning death and boredom will repulse people.

You & I both 😂
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