TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
Just get a spoon, warm it under hot water till its hot, then press it over the bite and see if it neutralizes the bacteria which causes the itching.
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TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@SimplyTracie It's actually an immune response from the body due to the stuff from inside the mosquitoes mouth, mostly it's saliva being a foreign substance.
I suppose ibuprofen may help as well but that'd probably be overkill.
I suppose ibuprofen may help as well but that'd probably be overkill.
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@VioletRayne I wish. lol
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@TeirdalinFirefall “ no you dodged a bullet; I am a stage five clinger” 😂
Think how bad it would be to have poison oak/ivy over 70% of your body. I am screaming right now. Even called my dermatologist on a Sunday morning screaming.
Prednisone did the trick. I am still alive.
Prednisone did the trick. I am still alive.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@CereBellum 😱😓 I’m glad you’re feeling better
marsbar · F
Ohhhhh I hate that!
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@marsbar normally they don’t n I’m covered in bug spray but one little determined demon got me in the worst place
marsbar · F
Ugh! Hate that! Last summer while camping in Toronto, I got bites on my booty! Like 6-7!! 😫@VioletRayne
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@marsbar 😔thats awful. I got bit on my butt only once n it sucked cause you can’t scratch in public
Pfuzylogic · M
So New Orleans has it like that with the bugs? 😳
Pfuzylogic · M
Contemplates the virtue of OFF spray or do the bugs eat that like an appetizer?
Contemplates the virtue of OFF spray or do the bugs eat that like an appetizer?
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Pfuzylogic Naw normally I get a really good spray n they stay away but one got me today 😔
Pfuzylogic · M
🤗 sorry to hear that happened.
It only takes one to ruin a perfectly good day otherwise.
🤗 sorry to hear that happened.
It only takes one to ruin a perfectly good day otherwise.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Here in Dallas it's like they're breeding season
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@TheRascallyOne They must all Die!!!! Evil cesspools of disease😡
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@VioletRayne I would like to do it with a blow torch
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@TheRascallyOne that’s be awesome complete with maniacal laughter
xixgun · M
Here ya go -

VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@xixgun dunno what that is but tganks
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@VioletRayne o lol thanks🤗
xixgun · M
@VioletRayne back scratcher
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
Hey you came back!
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Moosepantspatty for the moment. I’m about to sleep though
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@VioletRayne awe, okay 🤗 sweet dreams.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Moosepantspatty 😘🥰🤗
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
This is why it's always good to keep an extra pair of chopstick on hand LOL
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@LucyFuhr ill have to remember that
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
Misquotes are out around this time?
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@ImRileyTheDog Ugh yes. Them buzzards never sleep where I am😕
SolidHeart · 46-50, M
Always try to avoid scratch a mosquito bite or it will get worse.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Sure and then I'll hunt down the mosquito!!
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Allelse 🥺😍🥰Omg id Love you forever
Allelse · 36-40, M
@VioletRayne Hahaha! There's something so satisfying about killing a mosquito and finding blood, because you know you got the bastard!! The bastard that drank your blood.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Allelse yesss😍😍😍
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VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@RippinKlouds I do that all the time it never works for me😔
Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. I would rather use some ointment on it instead. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
I will try.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Ugh 😑 I hate them
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@SimplyTracie demonic little turds. They are so the devil😫
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@VioletRayne They serve no purpose except to irritate humans. 🙄

Just stick it in my face and I'll scratch it