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What do you feel most proud of?

Could be anything.
Something you've done in the past, something you've achieved, a prize you've won, anything really!
I don't like to think about past, be it good or bad nothing to be proud of
@Demspritezyo your response plus started imagining how people feel proud :D
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@SimplyLogicalDiscipline Oh haha! I suppose you might be a very laugh healthy person then! 😁
I helped people in my life who needed it when no one else was willing to. So I guess I’m most proud that I don’t turn my back on someone just because the situation isn’t going to be pleasant or easy.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@SW-User It is much easier to turn your back on someone than it is to help them get back up. You can be very proud of what you've done!
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
My progress in improving my personality. I’ve come a long way.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@GlitterBug Oh, improving your personality you say? Interesting!
Could you give me some more details on that, perhaps?
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
I used to be a major bitch lol I’ve mellowed out a lot. It might’ve been teenage hormones but I found myself looking at how I treated other people and how I treated myself and I hated it. So I changed it, kind of forced myself to be more mindful of myself and others, to be kinder in general. Take care of myself a little better. I think having to care for my great grandparents really helped me learn how to do that, and it came at a convenient time in my life. I have a different sort of appreciation for everything now too. I’m growing as a person, and I’m trying to grow in what I believe is the right direction for me.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@GlitterBug You've put it into such a beautiful way, it makes me want to appreciate what you've accomplished as well. You can be very proud, because not everyone can look at themself and see what they've done or how they treated others.
You've learned and grown as a person and I believe that you are definitely on the right path now! 😁
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Making the lives of the Residents I looked after just a little bit more fun.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
My daughters.
Demspritezyo · 26-30, M
@CharlieZ Any specific reason you have to be proud of them, sir?
No offense by any means, I am just curious! 😅
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Demspritezyo Oh...
The three of them are the best daughters I ever had.😁
And I rised them as a single father.
xSharp · 31-35, M
random strangers on xbox always compliment my voice 🤷‍♂️

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