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Are you okay w/ where you are at in life?

Or is it just another pit stop?
I’m mostly conflicted as to where I wanna live. Do I wanna stay in this new place, go back home, or start over a 2nd time in a new city.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@Insomniac100 yeah thats a tough one. I'm kind of add odds w/ that myself. idk, if I want to leave the city and move to a different state altogether for school or if I should stay
PeachesGR · 61-69, F
@Insomniac100 Either way, I'd say that it's great that you have those options to choose from.
PeachesGR · 61-69, F
@LikeTheSun You too: it's nice to have options!
I’m on my way to doing great things in my work place. I’d say I am decently satisfied with my vested hardwork
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@SW-User Awesome!!
I'm okay with where I am.
But I am unhappy.. So that is confusing me. Maybe deep down I am not happy with what I have.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@PeachesGR you don't have to now, whenever feel like it
PeachesGR · 61-69, F
@LikeTheSun erm, I mean late in life...
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@PeachesGR its never too late as long as you're breathing☺️
YourBuddyRandall · 26-30, M
I'm not okay but grateful it's not worse.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@YourBuddyRandall true 🤔 I mean sometimes all you can do is look up. You got this!
YourBuddyRandall · 26-30, M
@LikeTheSun You're always so sweet. Thanks!
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@YourBuddyRandall Oc! Anytime 😊
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I am very happy where I am...of course there's always room for improvements as life and the world is not 100% perfect, but I'm at a place and point now where I am happier and more content than I have ever been in my entire life (and I have been for the last 15 years).
I’m stuck in between keep working hard running in the rat wheel hoping things will get better. Or just fuck everything and say adios to this planet.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@SW-User Damn thats heavy.. I mean, maybe take it easy w/ the work if possible and pursue other interests in the side? What makes you feel alive?
PeachesGR · 61-69, F
I don't usually have the finances to choose.
A new job might be changing that though....
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Meh, it's fine for the moment.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@Sicarium 😅
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
Yeah.....I think so...

Sarah 💋
Eric24ejt · 36-40, M
@SarahTheHooker love your profile pic!
For now it's alright.
I am actually.
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@MarmeeMarch thats good to here
@LikeTheSun Of course there is always more things you want to do -
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
@MarmeeMarch true, you better do them then!!
Miserable actually. @Spoiledbrat
I wish I could go back so that I could just not get fucking married. @Spoiledbrat
PeachesGR · 61-69, F
@Spoiledbrat Me too. Where the heck is the time machine?! My daughter said she wouldn't make one---only because everybody would be in a different time, nobody would be here now.
She's very smart!
Nah I can do wayyy better

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