Anonymartyr · M
Usually once each day for the weather. I only have about 8 "friends" on FB nearly all are long distance and none were close.
I like it hete better.
I like it hete better.
Rhonda · F
@Anonymartyr I think I do too
crystalkid · 56-60, T
Usually for few minutes each morning. Mostly to see if need to say happy Birthday to anyone
Astro · 56-60, M
havent been on in over a week.
England66 · 61-69, M
Haven't for about 5yrs

Once every couple of months.
elyay2001 · 46-50, M
I am not even on it so never.
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
it only lasted a couple of weeks.
I started seeing friends of friends and all sorts of stuff I didn't care about
too hard to figure out controls
"delete this account"
"y or n"
I started seeing friends of friends and all sorts of stuff I didn't care about
too hard to figure out controls
"delete this account"
"y or n"
antonioio · 70-79, M
Twice a week 😊