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Can you believe that 2000 was almost 20 years ago?

Oy vey, I鈥檓 older than dirt. 馃槹
@NoYou Hashbrowns
NoYou26-30, M
@LyricalOne that sounds magical ;-;
@NoYou And my bra was made of bacon.
JavaJoe51-55, M
No! That seemed so far off into the future when I was younger. To realize that it was nearly two decades ago makes me realize how old I am getting. 馃槻
Cavedweller46-50, F
I can remember when midnight 1999 rolled around. I was drunk in Melbourne on really cheap whiskey. A good way to set the tone for 2000.
wildbill8336-40, M
I'm still in denial... when I think of the 90's, or hear a 90's song, etc. I'm like "Oh, that was only 7 or 8 years ago..." 馃
Serendipitylife51-55, F
Omg why why does it go so much faster as you get older.
@Serendipitylife My parents told me that would happen and they were right.
Thodsis51-55, M
Yes. I understand numbers.
hippyjoe195561-69, M
Remember Y2K and all that nonsense that was replaced by AGW?
@hippyjoe1955 Yep 馃槒
wildbill8336-40, M
Yeah... all the, "oh, the world is going to end in Y2K because government computers will spaz out and start a nuclear war"

Then in 2012 "Oh, the world is going to end because the Mayan calendar ends"

Then in 2016 "Oh, the world is going to end because Trump got elected"

I wonder when the world is "supposed" to end next? 馃馃槀
NoYou26-30, M
can i retire now?
@NoYou You're only in your 20's 馃槀.
NoYou26-30, M
@SW-User im 23 and a half im old enough to retire
@NoYou I'm almost 41, so I guess could have retired years ago, then 馃槀.
Batman41-45, M
I know that鈥檚 crazy right.
Yes, and it blows my mind that 1990 was almost 30 years ago. I remember everything I was doing at the time.
HoraceGreenley56-60, M
Ho-Lee Sheeet
Sweetspice26-30, F
You took it right out of my mouth.

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