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It has come to my attention that you’ve been leading a double life.

Now I don’t feel right divulging this information but it must be revealed. Please tell the SW community all about it.

(Oy vey, this is in jest people. Use your imaginations and create a colorful double life!)
I'm really JohnOlinger. 😂
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User 😱
@SW-User I'd do you now.... 😁
@SW-User Aha! 😎😉

CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
I am actually a nun and I've taken vows... Hey, it could happen, quit laughing. 😜
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@LyricalOne Yeah, I'm probably one of the ones who is least likely to be a nun here. That is, of the real women here. 😂
LyricalOne · F
@CoffeeFirst I was gonna become a Jewish nun if I didn’t get married.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@LyricalOne But you got married so that blew that to pieces? I have watched documentaries about nuns but obvs I like men more than serving God in that way. Sorry, Big Dude.
In truth, in some ways I really DO lead a double live, not unlike virtually everyone else does. I have a pseudo personality I show other people - something that's expected or the "norm"; When someone says to me, "How are you?," I answer, "I'm fine," even when I'm really NOT fine. It's just the standard (and expected) answer to that question (which I guess is more of a greeting than a question).
LyricalOne · F
@PhoenixPhail Someone’s been answering lots of my questions today! 🙂
@LyricalOne Might you be referring to me?
LyricalOne · F
@PhoenixPhail Hmmm..... perhaps. 🤔
summersong · F
I’m sorry, it’s a matter of national security.
LyricalOne · F
@summersong I will respect that but the Outer Mongolian CIA told me to let you know your yak is ready for pickup at the airport.
summersong · F
@LyricalOne ahhh yes, yaks make the best partners 😌
UndercoverBard · 31-35, M
Fine! I'm not really a bard.... or a doctor 😢😭
@UndercoverBard Its okay...was going to ask for free medical advice 😞
UndercoverBard · 31-35, M
@SW-User Lol
MellyMel22 · F
@UndercoverBard 😭😭😭
Myself11 · 61-69, M
Did you see me in woman’s clothes 😉
LyricalOne · F
@Myself11 Bring on the photo gallery!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
I never had a double life for reasons of my own.
But once and for some time, the fact that I exist was core of the double life of another one, a woman.
Till ended.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@LyricalOne ...and I still miss someone.
Yes, but like Poe´s crows, Never More.
LyricalOne · F
@CharlieZ Guess we all have a story to tell.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@LyricalOne Open to read yours.
she's right
Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow
Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow♪
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Lol.... haven’t heard Elvira in forever.
I secretly am married with 3 kids.

And am a woman.
@LyricalOne You are.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@SW-User Mysteriously, your profile pic has morphed into a beautiful woman!
@CoffeeFirst I decided to show my true self.
LordSillio · 36-40, M
Is this drama necessary?
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Oooh, you so perty! 😍
@LyricalOne I didn't want to be hit on all the time.
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Get ready for the dick pics.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
I think not. My past still is a part of me I don't want to forget. Both good and bad the thoughts remain. I once was loved with the greatest depth and I threw it all away.
LyricalOne · F
@Carla1951 Just here for some fun. But I respect that.
Lol yep I’ve clocked it too!
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User No, this is all in jest my dear. Nothing serious.
@LyricalOne i know lol but I am being serious, being joking aside it does happen! And I spotted it the other day
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Oh that, it happens all the time.
I am a spy for the American government... I could tell you more,but then I would have to kill you...🤐
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Dammit, I hate when people have to kill me. 😒
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
Now, since they ripped him from the nursing home, I know not where to begin.and now they live in Montreal.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
If it was I that confessed,seems I now have forgotten the question. My mental memory is beyond resurrection.
Almost everyone here is tho
@CoffeeFirst Good to know. There's bunches of pretentious wild tales
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@SW-User So true! The challenge is blocking/muting the wildness and preserving the wonderfulness on here.
@CoffeeFirst Ah good point. Gotta do more of that!
I’m Harry Connick, Jr.
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User I’m dubious but I shall trust you.
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Out!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I am a consultant for Universal Exports. The names Bond, Thevy Bond.
LyricalOne · F
@Thevy29 That leaves me shaken, not stirred. 😉
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Wrong data.
It´s no double.
It´s a triple one🧐🤣
LyricalOne · F
@CharlieZ Oooh...... man of mystery!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@LyricalOne 🤣
When disclasified, I´ll reveal the Sagas!!!
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User In jest, no need to break out the popcorn. 😉

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