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Sperm Donation, why is it right,ethical when the child born does not even get to know his/her biolgical father?

Being a parent i have come to really understand the need and importance of both mother and father. It is unfortunate enough the world is full of kids with both or either due verious circumstances. What i dont understand is the men to go out and donate sperm. I believe it is wrong as knowingly the true identity of that child is taken away. He or she is raised knowingly raised by the strangers.
Because a sperm donor is trying to help people have a child not trying to become a Father.
westwiiler · 51-55, M
@FreeSpirit1 on that regard, what if you have sex with someone who merely wants a child and nothing else from the man?
@westwiiler that is up to those people I guess.
westwiiler · 51-55, M
@FreeSpirit1 asking for a friend... LOL
If you never had a dad, you probably won't care who he is. That's basically something that people with two parents don't seem to get. Also, people who use donated sperm have a partner, usually. So it isn't like it'll make a difference.
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@ImDone i live on the same planet as you do. Yes the time has changed, the family structure is broken for various reasons, the divorces are on the rise,men continue to abandon their kids single parenting is on the rise. Is that a good thing;Absolutely NOT. When you hear horror stories from kids and outside you get to know what is going on.

Paid surrogate mothers have become big business and i wonder what the fuck is wrong with this humanity.

If you cannot have a child,go adopt one who is in dire need of a roof and place to live,do not go pay someone to have child for you.

In many aspects the humanity is fucked up. Kids are being raised by two moms and dads neither of them can truly have a child in their unionship ever and replace a role of a father or a mother.
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Usernumber1 · 31-35, F
I agree, I think it's completely unethical that the child is born not knowing anything about their biological father.

I would be extremely angry if I find out that my current parents aren't actually my biological parents.
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@ImDone that missing step is there to give that child a name and identity,the truth,not lie or fake.
.. Not being a moron....problem with the society it has accepted what was not acceptable 20 yrs ago.

In adoption the child does find out eventually what the reality is.
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Dusty101 · F
There are clinics that the sperm donations are anonymous. The one here in dublin deal with only donors from Denmark and the donars are doctors or student doctors.
I worked there for a bit. They only deal with men and women who have fertility problems and same sex marriages.
So do you think a donor child should find out who her donor father is when these donors are anonymous and signed something to keep that annomyninity.
I have mixed feelings on it.
@Dusty101 i do not have a problem. It is my personal feeling and thought that well all have a right to know of our origion these Annoymous donors take the rights away. And couples who cannot have kids should adopt those who have no home no place to go to.
Dusty101 · F
@aaaabbbb some couples can't adopt like organ recipients in ireland.
is adoption ok according to you?
@SW-User yes.
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Mysti · 51-55, F
Everybody makes their own choices.
It's not abandonment if your a sperm donor
kate21 · 26-30, F
As I understand it the laws are really complicated in different states and a child born thrunsperm donation can unseal paternity records when they become an adult.

But I’m any case I think having a child is itself unethical because your creating a person without that person’s consent. Yet we do it anyway and so will I
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