dreamsicle · 46-50, F
Nope I use earplugs to block out traffic if the windows are open. I need quiet.
OdysseyArising · 46-50, F
@dreamsicle I cant sleep with the windows open lol
dreamsicle · 46-50, F
@OdysseyArising Love the breeze

I tried to but then I would wake up in the middle of the night and be like, wtf is that noise and then turn it off. XD
cycleman · 61-69, M
I use to rely on talk radio, they are great at being boring and redundant.
Now I am sleeping in the woods and I enjoy hearing the silence with the winds and waves.
Now I am sleeping in the woods and I enjoy hearing the silence with the winds and waves.
bijouxbroussard · F
@cycleman That sounds so peaceful.

No. I need complete quiet along with a very dark room.
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User When I visit my parents I lose track of time; they live up in the hills, away from city noises or lights. So the house is completely dark and silent at night.

@bijouxbroussard lol. That's pretty much the way I live at the moment.

I try to help with my tinnitus but actually hair dryer is better
JustLikeGreta · F
@SW-User I have severe T also. Those who do not have it, do not understand.
JustLikeGreta · F
I must have absolute quiet.

No, but I do use a white noise machine.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Only when I've fallen asleep while listening to it...same with the tv, otherwise I turn them off.
chrisCA · M
Fall asleep to it, but it turns off after an hour.

No. It always ends up in my dreams, except distorted.

Actually no.. the one time I don't listen to music
melbeacher · 61-69, M
Sometimes....The Pat Metheny Group !

No, I can’t sleep at all with music or TV on
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lovingdead · 31-35, M
yes, not always but i do sometimes
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OdysseyArising · 46-50, F
@SW-User wow that sounds so awesome!
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approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
no, generally the tv
WetpantsBoy · M
Actually I do sleep with music turned down low.🤔
Stephanidunord · 18-21, F
I like to listen to ASMR
Nobody28 · M
Barebum61 · 61-69, M
I sleep with nothing on😆
TheGoodGuy · M
Just have pyjamas on usually :)

Sometimes ☺️
bijouxbroussard · F
Some music, yes. I have a playlist I sometimes use, with soothing tracks.
swl2jo · 56-60, M
Evenings I use white nose to keep the sounds of neighbors dogs from waking me. Sunday afternoons I’ll doze off to the sounds of NASCAR buzzing around the track.