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coldshield · 51-55, M
No shoes! Dirty bare feet
Bareboy · 13-15, M
@coldshield they say, the dirtier the feet. The happier the heart
BarefootLeilani · 22-25, F
@Bareboy My mantra is dirty feet, dirty mouth, happy heart ❤️👣🤙🏼

tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F Best Comment
Bare feet definitely.I have totally barefooted since the first week of April last year,I have even done presentations at work barefooted and been to expensive restaurants on dates wearing short sexy dresses barefooted.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@BarefootLeilani Definitely. I'm a self confessed show off too.Long long legs and feet on show.
BarefootLeilani · 22-25, F
@tallpowerhouseblonde You’re my perfect match on this site. I’m a top level MMA fighter, but you might give me a run for my money. BTW, don’t you love dominating men when you fight them? I’m sure they don’t like that, but whatever. Sorry not sorry 😈
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@BarefootLeilani I have won every fight I have ever had,at work once we had 4 guys come in to beat up my boss after he fired one a few days previously.I beat them all and the ex employee I battered so badly that he would have died had the paramedics arrived a little later.They said he looked like he had been in a horrific car crash,beaten to a blood soaked pulp with a long list of injuries including a lung puncture from one of my kicks and a smashed in face.
Bareboy · 13-15, M
Ah,lovemyfeetandtoes. We see eye to eye on barefeet
Bareboy · 13-15, M
If i had it my way, i would be barefoot 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I'd rather be barefoot at home and in public!!
coldshield · 51-55, M
South Africa has the perfect climate for all year long barefooting .A treat for bare feet. Always barefoot !
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
@coldshield Awesome.
Madgirl · 26-30, F
i love walking barefoot whenever possible
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
Barefoot wins hands down!!!!!
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jackson55 · M
[@ Flip flops. Too hot here in the summer time for bare feet.
mazza62 · 61-69, M
Sounds wonderful to have such warm weather. It rains here most of the year and generally cold. Last summer was first warm one for 10 years. Highest around 75. Never above 80.
ChildOfNature · 26-30, F
I've a dislike to shoes too. I try so much going barefoot as I can.

It's only bad, that it's in the winter so cold. ☹
kiwibare · 61-69, M
I hardly ever wear shoes, wore them 3 times last year. Always barefoot at work.
Freedude · 56-60, M
@kiwibare Envy you. I wish to own no shoes, bit I have to wear them at work.
Beardedguy · 31-35, M
ronaldomoreira · 46-50, M
I love to be barefoot as much as I can, everywhere, and I like to get my feet extremely dirty.
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
Same here; I would rather be barefoot; shoes are for only for fashion and not protection.
mazza62 · 61-69, M
I can't stand wearing shoes, but the are a sad necessity outdoors. Although there are some lovely areas a few miles from where I live where the riverside grass is a soft as carpet. So I'm barefoot there. I get some very strange looks from people though. Who cares?
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
@mazza62 I think a lot of the people who give strange looks either have a hang-up about feet or are jealous. Can't help the first group, and when I was a kid, I was in the second. That's why I freed my feet one summer day, and have loved being barefoot since!
CuriousDorchadas · 31-35, M
Much rather be barefoot.
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
Better when barefoot.
Since I got my fear of wearing flip flops in public out of the way I wear them after school or everyday on weekends or summer and now shoes are uncomfortable
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
Better when barefoot:
i wear shoes. i don't have hillbilly feet.
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
@DuchessOfMapleSyrup Nor did I when I started. But I soon developed tougher soles, and proudly so.
BarefootLeilani · 22-25, F
Tough soles and flexible toes work SO MUCH better than those awful yucky shoes.
Freedude · 56-60, M
@BarefootLeilani So right, walking barefoot a lot makes feet healthy and tough.
curmudgeon1968 · 51-55, M
barefoot, when I was a kid none of us wore shoes except on sunday until school started up again
GkB01 · 51-55, M
I do like having bare feet, even though I have to wear shoes at times obviously.
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Ross19 · 31-35, M
Much much much rather be barefoot
JP1119 · 36-40, M
I like going barefoot at home.
melbeacher · 56-60, M
Barefoot all the way !!!
Beardedguy · 31-35, M
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ChildOfNature · 26-30, F
Feet must be dirty.
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ChildOfNature · 26-30, F
Dirty feet are nice and beautiful.
Do you go barefoot in the winter months as well?
mazza62 · 61-69, M
@ExperienceDLT where I live it would be extremely foolish to walk around outside barefoot. The winters are severe. Anyone barefoot could lose toes in the cold and also develop hypothermia.
Ones climate usually dictates ones lifestyle choices.
kiwibare · 61-69, M
@ExperienceDLT yes. Barefoot all year round
I wear shoes everywhere except shower and bed. Even if they’re just my slippers. I can’t risk stepping on something and injuring my feet (diabetes). 😕

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