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Had enough of the shootings yet?

AR-15 again. The 2nd Amendment was meant for "organized" state militias i.e. what is now National Guard - it is in Federalist Papers. Look it up, rednecks. Stupid self-involved twats like Scalia made it a law, so now the country is reaping what they've sawn.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F Best Comment
The latest school shooting is tragic but America will forget it in a week and do nothing to prevent the same thing happening at another school
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@ humongous Thanks for the BA

indyjoe · 56-60, M
You are absolutely right about the 2nd amendment, but I have no problem with it being extended to include those who want to own guns for hunting or sport target shooting. I do personally think that people should not be allowed to own hand guns and especially military style weapons...there is absolutely no need for them. I firmly believe in the waiting periods, background checks, and strict(er) laws and penalties. As for the guns I think people should be allowed to own, I think the number of them should be limited. I do not believe that banning them altogether is the answer (that's one thing the NRA said right...when guns are out lawed, only outlaws will have guns).There is a huge under ground and black market for guns already, and though I'm not advocating owning guns for protection (that rarely works), I do believe the banning of guns would only make that problem bigger and the "bad guys" would take over. That's my take on it and that's the last post from me on the subject.
TexChik · F
@humongous liberal lies and lunacy... have nothing to do with the truth
TexChik · F
@humongous still blaming Bush ? Get a life lib.
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MikeMorgan · M
18 school shootings this year! NRA political contributions are blood money!
MikeMorgan · M
@TexChik fake new are you saying 17 kid were not murdered in Florida? I read the Chicago papers every day they absolutely report it! who tells you such huge lies? You are a delusional disturbed individual can't tell fact from fiction ...all that is wrong with this country! I have wasted to much time on you ....hope you can figure out who is manipulating you
TexChik · F
[@the shouting happened nut it was not the 18th this year...don’t quibble your bs here! Chicago papers are not the national gun control Nazi media
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VSonMe · 56-60, M
Totally agree. If it didn't mean that, there would be no need to preface the amendment with "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State."
Cydramech · 36-40, M
Yes, I've had enough of covert ops & false flags, so let's ban all government employees from accessing anything dangerous and from being allowed to do anything secretly.
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Cydramech · 36-40, M
@RodneyTrotter Hell, I even didn't see his latest response until you posted.

I must've just forgotten. XD
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swirlie · 31-35, F
Had enough of Trump yet?
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swirlie · 31-35, F

Yes I did. The problem began with Trump's endorsement of the NRA, not the misuse of the 2nd Amendment issue.
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