Umm no, income inequality is a problem for a lot of working class adults.

I don't quite follow
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
oh it is? how is that so?
i thought mine was my wife and her cancer.
but you're probably right and i'm wrong.
i thought mine was my wife and her cancer.
but you're probably right and i'm wrong.


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popmol · 26-30, M
isn't it the feminist shouting it our face and we just give you the evidence of it not existing? if you throw your bigger problems at us well see fi its true or not and help if it is, if its not then we'll show you why.
Alyx0 · M
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Ugh, another indoctrinated slave spewing propaganda. This ain't Reddit or Facebook sweetheart, you aren't going to get praised for your wokeness.
bijouxbroussard · F
The rest of whom ? 😃
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popmol · 26-30, M
@sunnydaybear these are the great answers i suspected that would be given. 👍
tenente · 100+, M
also, where is this white privilege i was promised? 🤔
popmol · 26-30, M
@SW-User well any race did that just so you know.
and by law no. in social constructs yes but thats because Europe is white asia is asian and africa is black. majority always rules. simple :p but if europe would be over run by black people or any colour of skin then they'll fight back because originally it was white.
i don't think they are actually doing something good. in mixed countries like America that's fine but in America Asia and Africa there shouldn't be healing. because theres nothign to heal. and the things that you seem to think make it better seem to break all the countries.
and by law no. in social constructs yes but thats because Europe is white asia is asian and africa is black. majority always rules. simple :p but if europe would be over run by black people or any colour of skin then they'll fight back because originally it was white.
i don't think they are actually doing something good. in mixed countries like America that's fine but in America Asia and Africa there shouldn't be healing. because theres nothign to heal. and the things that you seem to think make it better seem to break all the countries.

@popmol There are thousands of ethnicities inside each continent and many have been oppressed. Some haven't but a lot have been. Inside Mexico itself there are ethnicites that have been oppressed and disregarded. Each country must do healing in their own way from their own problems.
An Example in Europe would be the Balkans. Wars have been started over the mistreatment of minorities. Croatia and Serbia had a war over it recently. This is a problem that the whole world must address in order to secure peace.
In the end however, all cultures will blur into one. Skin colors and differences will remain thanks to genetic engineering but all our cultures will cease.
An Example in Europe would be the Balkans. Wars have been started over the mistreatment of minorities. Croatia and Serbia had a war over it recently. This is a problem that the whole world must address in order to secure peace.
In the end however, all cultures will blur into one. Skin colors and differences will remain thanks to genetic engineering but all our cultures will cease.
popmol · 26-30, M
@SW-User its something they need to work out themselves. you can't say whites are bad against Mexicans when Mexicans are fighting each other in their own country. same with black people some are upstanding citizens and some are gangsters and guys who do nothing with their life and do drugs and everything you'll drag them and tell them they are the same no they are not. so if you want ot split them in black and white or specific black and white groups let them fight their own battles to make sure the inner turmoil is gone then clutter them all together and then you can compare.
in europe there are mostly outside treats in the east at least no more inside are way less. because we fought for it.to protect our country. and yes our culture will cease but not because of outside treats and people who think it must be healed but because of change over time. or self destruction but you shouldn't even come close to our problems stay home and fix yours.
in europe there are mostly outside treats in the east at least no more inside are way less. because we fought for it.to protect our country. and yes our culture will cease but not because of outside treats and people who think it must be healed but because of change over time. or self destruction but you shouldn't even come close to our problems stay home and fix yours.