cycleman · 61-69, M
is lying on the rocks next to the ocean waves, bathing in the sunlight, and enjoying the wind, do nothing? If so then YES is for me :)
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@cycleman That's nothing. A nice-sounding nothing.
cycleman · 61-69, M
@MeInCharge I'd be doing that today , but still smoke covered from the forest fires.

Actually it's impossible to do nothing. Even if you're sitting on the couch, that's still something. 😋
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@SW-User Hmm. I veg, therefore I am. lol

@MeInCharge That's also doing something. 😋 Lol
LoveYouLoveMe · F
No, I am not wired for that. I would start to panic. I need to move and I need to feel productive.

I am a bit hyperactive
I am a bit hyperactive
goneeee · F
I would go nuts just staring into space doing nothing!😶
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
depends on what that nothing is.
i'd love to go for walkies, get breakky then paint with my wife.
oh, i'd love to do nothing all day.
shit. :/
i'd love to go for walkies, get breakky then paint with my wife.
oh, i'd love to do nothing all day.
shit. :/