Learn to love and trust yourself more, dear.
It goes a very long way as a balm for the emptiness we feel inside, we imagine another person can fill.
No one can do this for you.
It is your journey :)
I will not deny, that I am lonely, some times (aren't we all) .
I also will proudly admit:
I can have a wickedly fun time alone, in my life, in my world :D
It goes a very long way as a balm for the emptiness we feel inside, we imagine another person can fill.
No one can do this for you.
It is your journey :)
I will not deny, that I am lonely, some times (aren't we all) .
I also will proudly admit:
I can have a wickedly fun time alone, in my life, in my world :D
Peaches · F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON Amen sister❣👭⭐
Peaches · F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON Yes, you are the best, *HUGS*❤👭💦🌅🐙🐚
Peaches · F
Never depend on someone else for your happiness or it will break your heart every time.💔
pre125 · 41-45, M
Because you loved what he stood for... his moral compass... I'm just guessing... I feel for you...
You're just lonely and infatuated.
tenente · 100+, M
find comfort soon