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Just heard former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich define the Democrat Party! VERY interesting!

He said the Democrat party has THREE sections now.

The first section is the far left radical Progressives. Newt said THEY are like a religion. They have certain beliefs about which they are fanatic, and they don't want to allow anyone to believe differently...mostly about things like gender, climate change, and illegal immigrants, and they tend to become hysterical when anyone disagrees.

The second section, he said, is like the Chicago mafia. (Riffing a little bit on what he actually said, here.) They are headed up by toughs like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and they are all about MONEY and graft and their "foundations" and money laundering. They are for sale in the worst possible way, but they are all about Power, and Greed.

He said the third section is a little, tiny sliver of normal people who are like the old Democrats, and they are powerless because their numbers are too small to make a difference. (I think we used to call them Blue Dog Democrats).

I thought his breakdown was VERY accurate.

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soar2newhighs · Best Comment
The first part Newt described. This is their playbook.
You see it playing out all over this country and has been for a time. Read it closely.
4meAndyou · F
@soar2newhighs I have. But it is a very accurate description of the path the Dems have taken in order to bring about our destruction as a nation.

It's actually quite easy to call MAGA an almost religious cult, with the kingpin not needing to say anything in fact but appeal to anger.... and it's the democrats asked to not have radical beliefs... ok.

We'll just sanctimoniously make RFK the head of health. One who refuses vaccines. We'll make Dr Phil the spokesperson about immigration and deportation. I saw a video where Dr Phil got to see people being deported, and they said they had seen him. He said, how? Umm, genius, your brilliant President made a celebrity as head.

So go off on your way, It's beautiful when you have such blinded vision you support hate.

Second, I love when the richest country in the world complains it's being taken advantage of. Oh yes, you are. That's how you became richest. No, you found one who doesn't care about others, coalesced your collective anger and righteousness for his benefit
Thrust · 56-60, M

It's beautiful when you have such blinded vision you support hate.

@RequiemforanElephant welcome to the far left, radical progressive club...your brainwashing is complete
Thrust · 56-60, M
Excellent description!
That sounds about right.
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