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I Am In Support of Transgender and Genderqueer People

When you don't necessarily act any different,..and let me clarify this!!..You make the change (as with me, male to female) to match how you truely feel. Therefore you shouldn't need to change who you are! (Personality wise) So, I am no stereotype. And when I have that better connection and conversation with guys, (the Boys!!). That conversation not exactly called "flirting" with guys..just their sense of humour we share, a personality, or talking point...When I'm there chatting away, as I do..I chat like I always have, even since the days I had "so called "girlfriends" in my teens. And it's really like a settled and easy-going sort of environment talking to the guys. When you just think, these guys know my identity, based on my refusal to obey stereotypes, and it's great in a sense, they see you as one of "the lads"..that doesn't identify as a lad.....untilllll....One said walking home, that he wanted to take me out sometime, after an awkward way of putting it. Saying he was worried,.. worried about my reaction, or if he was "friend zoned". But he said that he does like me... And I am very sensitive, I can't just say "no"..or ."we're just friends". I said quite casually "Yeah, we should find a time to hangout around our work. But I was really surprised!!!...when I talk to guys the way I always have, yes!! Pre-transition, when I grew up in the male dominated family, and just shared humour with them. You go about it the same way, just transitioned..and I'm surprised he likes me.

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