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a question for americans friends ,😉 who is your best president came into your life ?can you say it outloud 😉

What? And get our heads bit off? 😂
Obama and Carter are the ones I admire most. Neither were perfect, but I consider them honorable.
TheFragile · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard this is true.
Except for Vietnam it would be LBJ in my lifetime for the civil rights legislation and Medicare. Obama probably the most impressive as a person. Biden incredibly capable and in retrospect will be considered a great success. Nixon brought disgrace. Trump was vile. Carter was the most decent and possibly the greatest ex-President. Ford was a good interim non-controversial President. Reagan put "Trickle down" into play and we're still reeling from it.
PoorSissy · 46-50
This is a very touchy subject nowadays…
exita · 26-30, F
@PoorSissy yes indeed
Feralbella · 18-21, F
i'm pretty young, so it was Biden up until this month and it wasn't particularly close. now he's roughly in line with obama probably.
PoorSissy · 46-50
@Feralbella this is a question so clearly, whether intentionally or otherwise, designed to invite, and incite, trolling and verbal warfare that to answer it is to illustrate and prove the rampant division in our country. The best answer to this question is not to answer it.
Feralbella · 18-21, F
@PoorSissy You're absolutely correct. but, If i am a troll, by feeding the trolls i am feeding myself.
exita · 26-30, F
@BEENOV yes indeed ,unfortunately
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
Trump, Regan. I'm brave enough to face the stupid ones
Trump by far, for multiple reasons

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