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Sparkle 2024

Well the latest update is that having been advised by others of the Sparkle 2024 Festival I decided to bring if to the attention of my wife. I told her about it, that it's an LGBTI festival and would be somewhere i could dress openly amongst others who either dress or are admirers of those who dress. To my surprise she was very enthused about the idea and would love to accompany me. Thus I'm now researching Hotels and Apartments. Currently my wife's only concerns are anout how we travel to and from Manchester, and how much luggage we'll need. Three nights, and two full days means 5 different outfits each at the very least.
Anyway, fingers crossed we get everything organised and neither my wife or I get cold feet.

That aside it's been a quiet few days though we've been dressing for dinner most nights which is always lovely. My posting on here has made me reminisce and reconsider some of my early "adventures". I really must have hated my true persona. I so wanted to be that 100% straight, totally macho guy. Everything "I knew" about those "poofs" screamed weakness, weirdo, pervert, and that wasn't me. And yet I would get drunk and seek out grubby, humiliating sex with those "perverts". Hopefully those growing up nowadays are able to embrace their true selves.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Perhaps it's true then that those who protest most loudly about gays are secretly gay themselves (or bi, or trans, or whatever label anyone eventually settles on for themselves).


It's lovely to read your history and to see that it looks like it's having a happy ending!

Fingers crossed for you!

Nina xx
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I don't know if this event happened yet or not.

But I hope or did have a good time
22Michelle · 61-69, T
It's July 2024. I've wanted to go before, but never had thecopportunity, and i was pleasantly surprised when my wife was enthusiastic about us going. I'm already looking at outfits fof the trip.

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