Leather subculture, kink community, and BDSM
Trying to get under the lgbtqia umbrella it makes me sick. Because of the rated r portions of pride parades ( depending on where one lives) the nudity and the hypersexuality I don’t go to the parades in summer. Also I have no ride to go but that’s another point entirely. Why can’t the pride parades be fun wholesome family events like they are in Asia? , leather parades and bdsm and kink festivals are disgusting. But saying that makes me a bigot and kink shamer. I’ll happily kink shame and be considered a narrow minded bigot than accept this behavior as healthy or normal. I’m lgbtqia by the way. But I guess that makes me an uptight homophobe or kink bdsm phobe. I will clutch my pearls and shake my head and think back before all this became so open and acceptable. Ah back in the good old days when being a fetishist and a kinky pervert stayed in the closet and was not something to celebrate or tried to be part of the lgbtqia bandwagon. One a struggle for equal rights and who you love. While I like color and rainbows and sparkles, the leather section is not something I am proud of . Some pride parades are not family friendly and anyone who tells you otherwise either is delusional as what constitutes family friendly or is a liar. Actually after seeing pride parade videos and pictures of some of the participants I feel like I need Jesus. Yep Jesus give me eye ball bleach to clean my eyes from the perversions I am aware of and saw.