I'm a trans guy currently trying to start hormones, and I've been wanting to dye my hair pink for the next semester. However, I'm a little bit worried that people will try to invalidate my gender if I do so, particularly doctors. This would be a problem, since I'm trying to get access to hormones. I'm also worried that dyeing my hair pink will actually make me pass less successfully. I already pass pretty well aside from my voice, but if I dye my hair pink I feel like that might make matters worse. Here's a picture of what shade I want:
Btw. Any doctor who uses the color of your hair to determine if you are ready for hormone therapy should lose their license. Just my two cents. I think you are overthinking this way too much.
be yourself, live your live on your terms, but you are at a very emotional time in your life, might be a good time to go low key for a while , concentrate on all the changes you are going though you have ;plenty of time to be fabulos!
It does look good on men, but yes I see your quandary, I wish I could help but its an issue I haven't been brave enough to face myself.. The only thing I can say is that the most important thing is your long term happiness.. Whether that means waiting or not is up to you
Nice! What JaggedLittlePill says make sense, so, I'd live on your terms whatever colour you may decide to do.
No sweetness, don't dye your hair pink.If you wish, go with a more natural shade but add just a swatch of pink maybe on the very back on the ends.(I'm not explaining this very well,lol.)Some girls in my building did just a swatch or patch of blue to show support for a lady who was very ill last year. Anyway, haters gonna hate and somebody won't like you for whatever reason.I say to them, "Tough duck."Show them your female fashion sense and make it look cute regardless of how you do it. Good luck, and rock it!!
My friend did it and he's in med school, you sure can XD