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LGBTQ+ Love despite suffering and knowing the absurd nature of existence and its nuisances is more important than blind love.

If you ever find yourself looking away from the evil because you want to focus on the good alone, then you're not really focusing on the good. You're just comforting yourself.

It doesn't matter if you do that because your life is overwhelming and difficult. You're making someone out there pay the price of your own indifference. Uplift yourself so you can truly be there for others instead of battling with the guilt of knowing you're slacking and creating excuses.

Don't dwell in your own misery through toxic positivity. You need it at times? That's fine , at times. Not all limitations are limitations. Planes fly against the winds.

We need more than just a feeling, hugs and hearts to make true lasting significant macrolevel change. We need commitment to causes we claim to believe in, we need real work in the field, we need true care, volunteering, dedicating resources; time and money to support and enact systematic change.

The world is full of horrible things. It is disgusting. It is horrifying. Lot of humans are horrible beings. Words aren't enough to change horrible people. Countering words of hatred with words of love is not enough. Take action.

Help people that need it. And if you're a part of the community that needs help, don't despair, fight for real love and to love; find resources, build resources and transform them into something greater in your own personal life and for your tribe.

It doesn't matter what the other side thinks. Let them think and talk , while you do the work. You cannot change hatred, you can disempower it.

All the best to everyone out there experiencing grief over the recent tragedy.
BlueVeins · 22-25
These words ring so much truer, knowing that you really do practice them. The only thing I'd like to add is that some amount of emotional detachment from the situation can help as long as you're committed to doing what needs to be done. I hope you practice that, too.
I'm aware that I can't change the hatred that's already there. However, I can do my little part to change ways of talking and try to impact the viewpoints on an everyday microlevel, and hopefully it will do just a minor part as of changing awareness. Hopefully, eventually it will cause more true lasting significant macro-level changes. I try to spot lightning where things aren't at par in this world, and I can take the mockery and hate I'll meet while doing so, and not letting it stop or influence what I'm doing. Peace and love ☮️
Miram · 31-35, F
@SUPERVlXEN Not in disagreement with speaking up.

I am in disagreement with clashing against hatred in discourse
. Speaking up is moot without powerful transformation at the individual level and group. We often focus too much on the arguing when we should just dismiss and support those who need the support. Not every opinion is worth a platform.
I'm aware that responding and arguing with people not willing to stay open and listen isn't achieving anything and is better just left without response. That's where my ego at times will shine through. And agreed, their opinions shouldn't be given the spotlight. And one thing rarely can stand alone, our choices throughout life does have impacts as well.
sarabi · F
One step at a time, one small action is better than no action.
bookerdana · M
Toxic positivity..theres a phrase for the ages

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