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Senator Lindsey Graham Gay Rumors Erupt Again as Escort Threatens to Out Him

Senator (R S.C.) Lindsey Graham’s sexual orientation and hypocrisy became a trending topic on social media this week after gay adult performer and escort Sean Harding threatened to out a “homophobic Republican Senator who is no better than Trump who keeps passing legislation that is damaging to the lgbt and minority communities.”

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Senator Lindsey Graham

Harding claimed that “every sex worker [he] know[s] has been hired by this man,” whom he named only as “LG”. Followers of Harding and other Twitter users quickly pointed their fingers at the senator from South Carolina.

Tweeted Harding: “There is a homophobic republican senator who is no better than Trump who keeps passing legislation that is damaging to the lgbt and minority communities. Every sex worker I know has been hired by this man. Wondering if enough of us spoke out if that could get him out of office? Fellow sex workers I invite you to stand with me during this crucial time. EVERY major news network is in my inbox including high profile lawyers willing to take this case. There’s strength in numbers – I KNOW you’re out there because EVERYONE has a story about LG when we talk.”

Harding’s claim led to a slew of similar reports, and “Lady G”, the name by which Graham is allegedly discussed among gay male escorts, began trending on Twitter.
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Who really cares? If he’s gay or otherwise , at least in the Government, given there are others who are gay, transgender or whatever their sexual preference is, it should be of no consequence.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Are those sex workers breaking. The law
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@MarineBob If they are breaking the law then so is Senator Graham. If it's illegal to be a gay escort it must also be illegal to hire them.

"According to multiple gay escorts and one famous gay porn star, Homophobic American Senator Lyndsey Graham has been hiring male sex workers for years and is known in sex worker circles as ‘Lady G’"
Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
wow its another gay republican.. im really not suppressed.. Just come out of the closet and resign..
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