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I'm here in my house surrounded by people who do not accept me or the other people who are like me

theyre talking as if I or the people who are like me shouldn't exist or don't actually exist

idk if I'm even making sense but I'm really hurt and they're only talking amongst themselves, I'm not even involved in the conversation, just here in corner of the room, listening and trying to just focus on the film playing. my dad said the exact sentence twice "Jesus was never judgmental" and with more emphasis the second time; but he also said "these things shouldn't be encouraged". I don't question who I am but I still don't understand what's wrong with who I am, it's not like I chose to be this way and it's not like I've done terrible things

I said I wouldn't let them get to me
But they do. It does.

I wonder how it'll be in the future when I tell them the truth once I need to
its hard when it has been ingrained to them from an age most developmental activities on the brain take place. past that it is more challenging to accept views and morals that differentiate from theirs. i trust that their love for you will be the catalyst to change that. regardless ,as adults ,we will become our own beings and will find the people that love us and accept us as we are, family or not
wackidywack · 26-30
popmol · 26-30, M
please run to a nicer country like here!
wackidywack · 26-30
@popmol I might (:
popmol · 26-30, M
@wackidywack i'll open you with open arms, and perfect time tomorrow its pride too
you can flee to me when i get a place, i'm only like hrs from your gf anyways lol
ginnyfromtheblock · 26-30, F
i feel you love 💖
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
There’s nothing wrong with who you are at all. Please remember that.
wackidywack · 26-30
@iamonfire696 I do know that but I still get hurt when it comes from the people you care about and in turn you want to care for you at the same time
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@wackidywack I understand that. I hope that you don’t get hurt 💖.

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