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My Pride Post


1. "a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired."

This post is just a little bit about me. I was born and raised in the south, I'm a hard worker just like my father, and I'm raising my son to be a good man. I worked in everything from landscaping to blasting in coal mines and rock quarries. I can drive anything from a fourwheeler to a rock hauler. I get sunburned, I get dirty, I get sweaty, and I get paid damn good money. Some people refer to me as a redneck, and I wear that label with honor. It is not, however, the only label I'm proud of. I'm a member of the LGBTQ community. I'm bisexual, and I guarantee that what I do in my bedroom has no effect on anyone other than me and the other person involved. I want to wish everyone here a Happy Pride Month.

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Carissimi · F
That’s the part I don’t get ... pride in one’s sexual orientation. I would never feel proud of being a heterosexual because I was born this way. It wasn’t an achievement, or something I achieved. I don’t understand being proud of how you were born. It’s like saying that I’m proud because I have a certain color hair. No offense is meant, but it makes no sense to me.
Carissimi · F
Gays have MORE rights than non gays. How’s that for equality! @SatanBurger
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Carissimi What rights do gay people have in which they are more than what heterosexual people get, can you be specific?
Carissimi · F
Yes, but I’ll have to come back. I’m still waking up, and it’s too “early” for such topics. @SatanBurger
OceanRoses · F
I get it their is no straight day, being straight myself we don't need a label there so much behind each souls identities that cling to each other with closed minds some. Life can be gone in a flash it is no ones business.
BlackPhillip · 36-40, M
@OceanRoses I just noticed that someone downvoted this post. It's all good. I'm still getting paid tomorrow and going to a strip club this weekend. Life is still rolling forward. I hope that person finds some peace.
OceanRoses · F
@BlackPhillip indeed I hope too. it's just not necessary we can agree to disagree. The old saying do as I do or else. So easy to victimize ppl behind a screen..Gr8 enjoy!
BlackPhillip · 36-40, M
@OceanRoses Have a great night!

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