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A long, long ago there was a larvae

Once that larvae used to be lesbian ans years latqr bisexual and now the larvae loves guys in a way?

Can block me but the truth is always there. Leaps and bounds in sexuality is cool for a person who is young but the larvae isn't young.

Larvae of any butterfly develops from a 'cocoon '
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Sexuality is actually shades, a lot of people aren't just one thing or another in regards to lesbian, bi, trans etc. there's the whole principle of duality which most people have a hard time grasping which is why some people can change over time. Just like how there's not just straight up masculinity or femininity, a lot are both or one over the other.

Also, I don't get how you say sexuality is only cool for a person whose younger but not older, I think you're referring to the fact you think sexuality is just a "stage" that young people go through.

Many people's desires don't change just because they get older though. They may not care as much or have health issues going on where they can't but you'll always have some needs, desires or wants regardless if you're 60 or 18 and "finding yourself."
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Graylight · 51-55, F

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