Yes. People love who they love.
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
marriage has been considered a religious rite by many cultures for centuries
but now in an increasingly non-religious world it is a legal agreement between two people that means a benefit tax wise and allows a person to have health insurance without having to be employed. it also creates stability in child production and property ownership stability.
and with an increasingly "getting older" population allows people to make health care decisions for another person.
why not increase the stability of a culture?
and if I can be just a little snarky - with the problems related to dissolution of that partnership - why should only heterosexuals have to deal with it?
but now in an increasingly non-religious world it is a legal agreement between two people that means a benefit tax wise and allows a person to have health insurance without having to be employed. it also creates stability in child production and property ownership stability.
and with an increasingly "getting older" population allows people to make health care decisions for another person.
why not increase the stability of a culture?
and if I can be just a little snarky - with the problems related to dissolution of that partnership - why should only heterosexuals have to deal with it?
Northwest · M
Where I'm from, it's the law of the land. I never got why it was an issue in the first place, as if it was ever contagious.
ai12ci45lef000 · 31-35, F
ofcourse , with the restriction of being consenting adults
Nikkizara · 22-25, F
Yeah of course
Underage married is the absolutely terrible @ai12ci45lef000
Underage married is the absolutely terrible @ai12ci45lef000
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
People are people, what does it matter what I think?
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I sure do.
Glossy · F
Ok, Nikki. Now that you've explained it to me, I guess you're right. I just didn't understand your question.
It's no skin off of my nose! There is a case of a man who was dying in the hospital and his beloved was not allowed to see him. The fellow was so distraught he committed suicide. That shouldn't have happened. If they had been allowed to marry at the time he could have held his beloved's hand and he would have grieved but would probably not have killed himself.
I would insist on calling it a 'civil union' instead of a marriage though because I am a stick in the mud.
I would insist on calling it a 'civil union' instead of a marriage though because I am a stick in the mud.
BeefySenpie · M
No, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman
BeefySenpie · M
@SW-User 😢

@BeefySenpie That's such an Aussie way of thinking. You've been spending too much time with them. 😤💯
BeefySenpie · M
@SW-User It has nothing to do with the country
irishblue · 31-35, M
Absolutely. It’s finally been legalised here🇦🇺🙂👭👬🌈
Mrjingleswilly · 51-55, M
Agree entirely.
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Effloresce · 26-30, F
Love is love
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
As long as:
1) Both are over the age of consent
2) They are not blood relatives
3) Both desire to be together
If those three criteria are met, then I don’t see any reason why not.
1) Both are over the age of consent
2) They are not blood relatives
3) Both desire to be together
If those three criteria are met, then I don’t see any reason why not.
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True. Even animals get married.
froggtongue · M
I agree. If two people want to live together in such a fashion, go right on ahead. What does it bother me?
exploringfantasies · 51-55, M
yes its a personal choice not a state decision
bhatjc · 46-50, M
What people do is their own business
Sportsfan · 41-45, M
I totally agree
TheProphet · M
No I don't.
Poeticdiva · 31-35, F
I, myself, don't believe in marriage but everyone does have the right to marry who they want without fear of scrutiny from intolerant dickheads who don't know how to mind their own business.

@Poeticdiva Well said!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
No, i dont believe that homosexuals should marry each other since I believe it's wrong.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Nikkizara sure, but im specifying on the homosexual marriages
Nikkizara · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst So two gay guys? Isn’t that almost the same thing as a bisexual and a gay guy marrying?
Why do u need to specify only two gay men or women?
Why do u need to specify only two gay men or women?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Nikkizara i mean homosexual relations, not what someone is or not you know?
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