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Caitlyn: Positive or Negative?

Poll - Total Votes: 8
Caitlyn: Positive?
Caitlyn: Negative?
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Is Caitlyn Jenner our representative? Does she really represent trans girls and trans women? Or is she just a pariah?
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Oh God no. There's so many amazing trans women out there. Caitlyn Jenner can take a leap.
I forgot autumn asphodel and the like, I appreciate your response sweetie @CountScrofula
@CountScrofula preferably off of a very tall building
I don't know if we should go that far, but the marketised/commercialised/merchant mainstream mass media should-but-won't stop dragging her out and asking her, as if her opinions and perspectives speak for us all @PervertedPrincessOfDeath
She focuses so much on "passing", and supports Trump.
I think her presence is more harmful than anything.
The trans community deserves someone better to represent them.
I agree with your statement sweetie,
her pro-right-wing conservative stances is not warranted, especially since her voice carries weight, she can use her public and professional image to project her views and values further then anyone who was prominent and came before her @AmbivalentFriability
Someone like janet mock or jazz jennings or carmen carerra@AmbivalentFriability
Not a chance in hell if anything i think she gives us a bad name
I agree with you sweetie@PervertedPrincessOfDeath
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Represent yourself, don’t rely on a celebrity.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@Dogemilataka But do you want to be judged because of what someone else says or does? Or on your own?
By my own merit sweetie, not by how someone else lived their life @MrsKatherineArch
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@Dogemilataka There you have it!
TheProphet · M
Just a dickless fucking freak.
She's an aweful person, but the rest of what you said is offensive to other transgender people/person's, we aren't all like her @TheProphet

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