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Why is God homophobic?

Any reason? 😕 I don't understand how love was taught in religion yet something like LGBT was considered a sin. What am I missing?
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
You must remember the origin and purpose of religion, not any particular religion but the history of the meaning of religion. Through out history religion has been used for 2 purposes, to explain things people don't understand and to control populations of people. You will have a hard time finding a religion that worships the sun god because we know exactly what the sun is and need no further explanation. Religions provide a cultural system of behaviors and practices, and holy ideas that create a societal organisation that keeps people in a continuing state of fear and compliance. The books explaining religion were written by men. Religion also teaches us that all those other religions are wrong but ours is right. Perhaps only men and the books they wrote on religion are homophobic.
JasonS17 · 22-25, M
GOD is not homophobic, GOD hates the sin, not the sinner... GOD made man for women and women for man... when you are building something and it keeps breaking, or doing something it's not supposed to, you try to fix it to do what it's intended to do... It's like that... Man left their natural ways and went to lust over other men and same did the women. This is wrong, as it was not intended to be this way. Therefore, GOD does not save those who oppose HIS word and does lust over another person of the same sex...
If GOD intended for the man to be with a man HE would not have made the whole reproductive system that requires both a man and a woman to reproduce life.
dreithegreat · 22-25
Okay I get your point now, sex. I felt bad about the LGBT community though. I wanna tear that page from the bible because it promotes hate and discrimination between man. Can we just put the bible aside and love one another. 🤗
JasonS17 · 22-25, M
It doesn't say to hate anyone- GOD does command us to love one another but as we grow closer to HIM we hate sin more and more. That's hownit works. Those who live in sin do not live for GOD. The HOLY GHOST does not abide in those who love sin.

Leave the bible aside? The "instruction Manual" of life? The prophecies? The gospels of what our LORD did for us? No. No we can't. Because this is exactly what living worldly is.

And this is how you know we are in the end of days...
2Timothy 3:2
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Why did you NOT mention ISLAM as they hate GAY male and females
dreithegreat · 22-25
Allah is God too. And come on the Isis will be after me. 😄😄
nedkelly · 61-69, M
[image deleted]
Thanos · 31-35, M
Haha Bible doesn't? :P damn do i have to quote Bible again on this site ? 😜
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
What you're missing is that all religion is interpreted by man !
And it's the more angry, vocal man that gets their interpretation across the loudest !
Pick any faith you like. It's always the same.
I think the idea of a God is a good one.
A nice one !
Just a pity so many morons decided that you have to accept the idea of the belief system THEY created in order to be accepted in THEIR religion !
dreithegreat · 22-25
That's what I think too. Who needs religion anyway? I believe in God by heart not by scriptures.
JasonS17 · 22-25, M
the scriptures CAME FROM GOD
@ChildoftheLORD: are you sure of that, the Catholic Church removed books from the Bible, they changed what they didn't deam fit, it was translated by men, who is to say that it was translated correctly,, words have different meanings in different languages,. I myself believe do what is on your heart and live the best way you can and everything else will fall in to place. God wants us to love one another and treat ppl the way we want treated, if that is what we could do, we wouldn't be having all the trouble in the world today,
He's got issues. Big ones. So just ignore much of what he allegedly said. It's mostly horseshit.
Watch the movie Prayers For Bobby. There's one part where they talk about the Bible, and it's absolutely beautiful.
dreithegreat · 22-25
Okay, I will put that in my movie bucketlist. Thanks for your suggestion. 😊
Renoire · 26-30, F
He's not but part of his followers are. They're too dumb to know better, so they claim it is divine truth so their hatred become justified.
icyreb · M
God doesn't like people having sex with animals either. but, its your choice t do what you like,
ask him, not me . i don't presume to have the answer. maybe you could ask in a different way.
Sonya09 · F
It's not a sin per say it falls under fornication/false love
dreithegreat · 22-25
Do you think there is such thing as false love? I mean love okay. Not sex.
Thanos · 31-35, M
Oh no god isn't homophobic but people who wrote holy books were homophobics ;)
God is homophobic because man made him that way.

I think it deals with marriage rules or something
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xCoinx · 31-35, M
God sorta has "views" on certain things
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
religion is a man made fantasy.
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NobodyFrvr · 31-35, M
That organized religion (including their text and holy books), is all relayed by human beings. It's man's interpretation.
Or man's fabrication.
The deity I was raised with didn't like women much, either. 😳
i am sorry your religious experiences were negative.

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