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Should I Work With Or Against?

Is it worth transitioning when I know my parents or at least my dad would kick me out? I am broke, stupid question but want you guys to give me a final and confirmative answer, I want to begin but I'm kind of screwed from where I'm at
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Xxtrishx · 26-30, F
I think that at the end of the day your happiness is the most important thing. Your situation is complex though because you have to consider where you will live as well, but do not remain somewhere you won’t be happy. If you will be happier with transitioning then do it and who supports you will support you. I know how difficult it is to live in a house where you aren’t accpeted and have to hide who you are. From personal experience I think that doing what makes you happy and feel more like yourself and facing whatever hurdles come along is worth more than remaining where you are being someone you aren’t and experiencing such sadness. Wish you best of luck!
WinterWolf · F
Does your relationship with your family/them being in your life mean more to you than being your true self? If not, then I say go for it and figure things out as they come.
I like your answer sweetie, it really doesn't matter about my family/them,
whats important to me matters most @WinterWolf
coary987 · M
Well have somewhere to go if he does kick you out.
I am sorry he can't accept the real you like so many parent always go against them.
You buddy be true to yourself and who you are.
Not what other people want you to be .
I hope he accepts you.
I wish my dad would accept me as his daughter, I prefer to be a woman, yet he would find the whole transition uncomfortable,
besides me dating men of course, thank you sweetie for your response @coary987
coary987 · M
@Dogemilataka no problem its sad some don't accept it but you be strong and if ever you want to talk pm me buddy anytime
Nobody28 · M
I think you should if you really want too I'll support you and you could find more job opportunities as a chick
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astralqueen · 31-35, F
i'm not trans so i dont know how this struggle feels. from my perspective, i would wait until i was financially stable, but who the heck knows when that could be? i dont know your life. there are small things you could do in the meantime, though, perhaps. like wearing bras when they cant be seen or maybe painting your nails clear or buffing them. wearing perfume, wearing constrictive underwear made specifically for trans women who haven't had bottom surgery, etc. maybe those little things could help in the meantime?
I'm worn panties,
I wear panties and bras but I've stopped since I struggle to keep up with washing, I might have to grin and bear it, wait until I'm financially-stable, thank you sweetie for your comment @astralqueen
puppy123 · 22-25, M
You should be happy for who you are and don't worry about your parents if they're that stupid not to care about their child then they are wrong

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