Jessmari · 41-45
Apparently everyone knew and just waited for me to say something. Mostly good reactions from family and friends.
A few quietly pulled away, but they were not that close to begin with anyway.
A few quietly pulled away, but they were not that close to begin with anyway.
SATshirtBob · 70-79, M
I came out to a few friends first,but when I knew that I was "found out" was when I'd bought a home with my 1st husband,and my parents visited us for the first time. By then we had gotten a dog,so while handing a chew toy to him my Mother announced,"I never thought that my grandchild would be FURRY,but it's alright with us".
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
I think mine was good. But I only told my closest friend. I only tell people who have a right to know.
Einstok · 36-40, M
@Sroonaka616 How did your family take it?
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
@Einstok I still have not told them they don't need to know at this point.
Was good for me. Nobody was surprised and fortunately didn't unleash rage at me.
🤔 well didnt have much of a choice longer staying in the womb would have suffocated and died
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