theexciting1 · M were able to cancel all of the credit card carriers ...I hope. One time I lost my duffel bag off of the back of my motorcycle. Went back...backtracked and it was gone. I canceled everything. Finally that night I got a call from the guy who found the duffel bag. He called my phone number which was on the checks in my checkbook. He returned it to me and he would not take a reward.😊
Ksmile14 · F
You ok? :(
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LadyJ · F
Glad your ok 🤗
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
really sorry to hear that :( hope you are alright otherwise xxx soo beautiful

You have two phones.
Bratt2 · F
@SW-User New one.
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Your previous profile @Bratt ?
TxOutlawTyler · M
Sorry to hear that
JacksonBlue · 36-40, M
That sucks. Being robbed just makes you feel a little bit violated and a little bit lost. Hope you get replacements quick.
Also fantastic pic 😆
Also fantastic pic 😆
LadyJ · F
@JacksonBlue homie 😎🤗
Bratt2 · F
@JacksonBlue Just sucks man 😞
TAReturns · M
Sorry that happened
Hope the perp is arrested soon
Hope the perp is arrested soon

Shit! Glad you're okay though. Things can always be replaced. You cannot be.
wexxxxcccc · M
Omg you are so hot!! When I saw yo, something humiliating happened to me.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Dude, that sucks!!!
Bratt2 · F
@thepreposterouspanda Typically Fun family Chicago life 🤷
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Bratt2 Note to self: continue avoiding Chicago. 😂
ExperienceDLT · M
That sucks I'm sorry that happened to you 😟
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
😷 that bastard even stole the knees to your jeans!!
summersong · F
That sucks ass. I’m glad you are ok though.
Bratt2 · F
@summersong An account for a year that's been hacked, ID, bank phone. Makes me sick.