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I have the solution to lower the frequency of mass shootings

I have presented this tactic before a long time ago. It wasn't received well at all.
But I was reading a debate on the subject a minute ago and I keep seeing the same tired arguments.
More gun control. Stricter background checks. Lower ammo capacity. Ban the evil Ar-15 weapon of war.
None of which help.
They banned all that stuff and way more for a 10 year period back in the '90's. It was intended to be an active investigation in the reality of it's possible effectiveness.
The results were that there was no significant improvement in shootings. That would include mass shootings that have been on a steady rise since 1966.
What I am proposing with this post is an alternative to the worn out ban, ban ,ban, stricter requirements... more detailed background checks etc... etc.. etc ....

So if you are interested in exploring the actual reason behind the ever rising mass shootings and the actual only effective way that I can see that there is any chance at slowing them down guaranteed, read on.
If you just want to try to discredit my information and continue to push the age old ban, ban, ban, restrict, restrict, restrict, .... You are welcome as well. :-)

There is a saying in Japan that most people are grasping the wrong end of the stick way too tight.
Gun control is a perfect example of that.
I think the biggest punch in the face as far as mass shootings go was Columbine. They have been an issue since 1966 and on a steady rise.
Columbine was particularity sad because it was kids that got shot. Before that it was people going postal ... which actually really started as a post office phenomenon. Then other people started shooting up there places of employment as a last act of disgruntled employees. I remember this even tho when it started to take off I was pretty young. I think like maybe 8 or 10. Crazy stuff.

So most of these mass shootings are done with the ever popular AR-15.
It is actually the most popular gun on the market.
But I just read that most gun murders are actually committed with a pistol.
But the weapon of choice for a mass shootings or school shooting is the AR.
Funny thing about that. The Ruger Ranch Rifle is pretty much the same thing but doesn't look nearly as cool. Does the same thing the same way. All the same attachments. Nobody trying to ban them too.
So the Ar is being demonized simply because it looks way cooler and nut jobs think it's deadlier than the Ruger that is actually about 1/3 the price of the AR. This will all be relevant in a second.

So something that is happening on both sides, the shooter and the people that want the AR banned is perception. The shooter thinks because the AR looks like the M-16 that it must be able to kill more people easier than say the Ruger Ranch Rifle which is almost the same thing with the same attachments but doesn't look like an M-16. It literally doesn't shoot any faster or more accurate.
What I am trying to show with this is that the AR doesn't give any radical advantage in a mass shooting.
Actually most of the mass shootings are what is considered to be close quarters shooting. The Ar is a rifle and intended to be shooting people 400 yards away. Not 50 ft.

If mass shooters were to actually choose the correct weapon, it would be a semi auto 12 gauge shotgun. You don't need to aim. Just get close. Multiple targets with a single shot. Tons of penetrating power. Don't need a huge drum of ammo because you can reload right off your ammo vest as you shoot. Quickly and easily.
It is horribly destructive up to 50 yards +. You can shoot through solid wood doors effortlessly or even a desk or a car door. The AR, or even a pistol, has to be pointed directly at the intended target and must be held pretty steady in order to be able to hit your man sized target with the tiny round. Every wiggle at the gun, which happens every time you pull the trigger and only magnifies more the faster you try to pull the trigger, cause the accuracy to diminish exponentially with the further the distance away magnifying it even more.
No this isn't a mass shooter tutorial. It's a lesson in in accurate perception. If you hang in there I have a bad ass punch line to all this.
The second choice for shootings is a pistol.
Actually, it is way more adapt for postal style shooting except that it doesn't have a stock to steady the weapon with making it even less accurate than the rifle because it really wiggles when you pull the trigger and same as the rifle it only magnifies the faster you try to shoot it.

The 50 and 100 round drum magazines are a particularly special point that I like to address.
Most people think that the only thing one of them is good for is being able to shoot more people faster. It would appear initially to greatly increase the shooters ability to kill way more people faster because he doesn't have to stop to reload as often. Sounds logical.
But what really happens is that the drum adds considerable weight to the weapon. As well as bulk. I couldn't find the specs on it but just pick up a 20 round box of 5.56 ammo and feel how heavy it is. Then start multiplying. I am only guessing but I would bet a snickers bar that it would have to add at least 40 extra pounds to the gun. That makes maneuvering the weapon substantially more awkward. Think about it. The shooter tries to move the weapon from left to right quickly but when he tries to stop to draw a bead on his target the gun is going to still be in motion. Not like with a regular 20 round mag that that makes the gun weigh about 10 lbs it now weighs about four of five times that.
In reality. If you are ever in a mass shooting situation on the target end .... pray that the shooter also thought this would make his job that much easier.

So with that bit of information about the right tool for the right job I hope you can see the flaw in the ban the Ar and huge drum magazines. They are being used under misperceptions that they increase your effectiveness when in fact they are a huge detriment to the shooters actual goal. So I hope you can see that the only reason the AR and huge drum mags are being used isn't actually because they are extra deadly. It's just a weapon at this point. Nothing special.

So now comes that part that gets people the most worked up for some reason. The actual reason that mass shootings are getting more popular.
We live in an undeniable copy cat culture. If you have any doubts of this or the extent of how much it effects our lives, check out TicToc for about 15 minutes.
You will easily be able to see a minimum of 75 individuals doing the exact same thing.
One thing is the young teen girls wearing no bra and a tiny T-shirt kind of dancing to most likely the same song as hundreds of other girls and I kid you not they are even doing the same damn moves. No originality.
Another thing that runs rampant is people lip sinking a recording of a comedian telling a joke. They all use the same audio clip but for some reason they think that when they do it, it is some how funnier than the other eighty thousand people that did it. I am not joking and am barley exaggerating.
To me it was baffling at first. But as I looked into it more I found out this has been an issue long before TicTok.
Back in the 60's and 70's or maybe even earlier it was unheard of for a news station to report on celebrity suicide. They would report the death but would withhold the fact that it was self inflicted. They did this because the news that it was suicide caused huge numbers of people to also kill them selves as well.
Ok. Now I bet you just rolled your eyes at that fantastically wild statement. But all you have to do is look up copy cat suicides. or copy cat culture. They call it suicide clusters. There are way to many hits on this topic for my liking. Ok and I guess it's not huge but it is prominent.
So if people copy cat suicide what do you think they do with a mass shooting? Or worse yet. A mass shooting in a school full of innocent children. The more Michel Moore's who make feature length big screen movies about the topic the more it just causes it to happen. The bigger deal the media makes about it and mass cries and demands that are made to do something about the evil Ar-15 and the millions of outraged kids they bus to Washington D.C to demand the president to make it harder to get a gun and get rid of those heavy ass 100 round drums and all the old tired same ole attempts to make it stop are actually the reason it continues to grow in popularity.
I personally think that when a school shooting happens, or actually anything like that, it should never be aired outside of the area that is directly effected by it. I mean what is that information doing for me 1200 miles away from where it happened? It's not like they are giving me information that I can use to keep it from happening in my home town. Hell. That's the best way to make sure that it happens in my home town.

Well that was long.
I hope this helps some people realize that banning guns and magazines and making life miserable for a whole lot of people that will never break the law with their evil AR-15 with a 40 lbs magazine hanging under it isn't the answer.

Bonus paragraph.
There is no way to un-invent the gun. It is here to stay and we need to find proper ways to deal with gun violence and the illegal use of them.
I am a machinist and metal fabricator by trade. I have all the knowledge and abilities it takes to build my own fire arms as well as ammunition. For the most part, it doesn't take high speed digital controlled zero tolerance machines and computer cad with a draftsman with a college degree or years of study to be able to build a reliable semi or full auto firearm. You should see the tolerance on a basic Chinese SKS assault rifle or Russian Ak-47. The most expensive tool you would have to get is a welder.
I'm just one of thousands and thousands of people who can do the same thing. All the materials can be purchased at the hardware store.
What I am referring to is a reliable functioning weapon similar to something you could by from the store. But it doesn't have to be like that. There are some types of guns that only have a few basic parts and the only tool you would use is a drill. Think they call them boom sticks. Two pieces of water pipe. A threaded pipe cap. A nail and a shotgun shell.
Then there is also a makeshift rifle that I saw constructed from the same kind of stuff, in the military issued improvised weapons handbook that every solder gets issued to them when they join the military. So that would would be millions of other sources of homemade firearms.

Ok I guess I will stop now.
Tune in later this week for my 2 hour long power point presentation on the simplified synthesis of nitro powder from household chemicals for your own high powered home made ammunition. :-)
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spjennifer · 61-69, T
The only problem with your idea is that everyone or almost everyone has a smartphone now and access to social media. If the News services stopped reporting mass shootings, we'd be getting a lot more opinion based news from those sources without the filter of a for profit based news service. Not that the MSM are always honestly reporting the news but there is at least some semblance of integrity there guaranteed simply by the number of news agencies reporting from the scene.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Dainbramadge Not quite true, there are many sources for this but here is one below, a "mass shooting" is considered to be one where at least 3-4 people were killed, depending on who is doing the recording. Not that they didn't happen before the 1960's but certainly not at the rate we have now.

Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@spjennifer Right. I think the site I got that thing about '66 from may have been using a different criteria too.
You know that is an awfully low number in my books to be called a mass shooting. Hell the mob shoots more people in one sitting than that. LOL
I would think that 10 people should be the lowest number to be considered mass shooting.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Dainbramadge I don't think I'd want to quantify the numbers as anything, even one is too many for me. I don't think that for example, when a teenager kills his entire family should be considered a "mass shooting" though, it's usually more of a murder or murder/suicide. I would consider any event where several people are shot in a public place, even if not all die, to be a mass shooting event and leave it at that.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Gun regulation in this country is not allowed.

I suggest broadcasting photos of people blown apart by these military grade weapons. They're not suitable for hunting because they literally blow the animals into pieces.

Photos of a shot up school complete with gore and parts of children MAY result in SOME regulation.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Dainbramadge typical liberal statements. They regurgitate what someone told them and never bothered to check reality.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@MasterLee I know right. Actually a group of those exact typs was my motivation to make this post.
There was an earlier post about gun control and they were insulting the commenters and I decided I felt froggy and wanted some of that love too. well after my third paragraph of my first comment I happen to see that was from two years ago. LOL
So I moved it all here.
I am a little disappointed i didn't receive a bigger lynch mob.
I stopped doing the politics and climate arguments a while ago but like I say I felt a little froggy. LOL
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Crazywaterspring I know this was a little while ago but showing photos like that to upset people doesn't work because the way human psychology works is that you can desensitize from violence if you see things enough times so showing photos may upset people at first but then we'd just get used to it as a coping self defense mechanism.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
Very well written post. Very informative. I liked it.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@specman Thank you so much for that.
When I attempt to project my thoughts here, I tend to put my focus more so on delivering the big picture rather than a million details and statistics and what have you.
There are a few people who will read this that will demand links and sources when in fact this is essentially a compilation of paraphrased topics mashed together to create a sharable manifestation that hopefully initiates a level of critical thinking from a different perspective other than what we seem to be stuck with at the moment.
Thank you again. :-)
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@Dainbramadge I think you did a very good job writing this post.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@specman Thank you so very much. :-)
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
The kids who shoots classmates are rebelling against their parents and or society. To make it to the newspaper is the motivator.

The shooting itself is just like anyone who shoots with a gun for the first time , they don't realize what they have done until the shots are fired and blood is dripping from the bodies. It becomes a trauma once they realize the consequences of their fantasy /revenge plot.

Sometimes these kids are worshipping serial killers or former masshooters too much, only too hype it up further. They live up to their big idols by pulling that trigger. They finally feel they have a purpose.

In some cases it's a psychotic state they're in so they have rearranged the entire reality to what their fantasy is. And project it to real life.

I think this can be prevented through many instances.

1. Gun control (For example the law to keep all licensed weapons in a safe with a key or a code)

2. Silent mass shooting news

3. Better system for kids in unsafe homes /kids in need of mental help.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Queendragonfly Yes you have made a good point that I really did try to weave into my post but I don't think I am a good enough writer to accurately implement what I needed to.
This, even tho it comes off as the one and only absolute single thing that needs to change in order to stop the phenomenon completely, is really only a prominent aspect to it that seems to be completely over looked. Yes there are still facets that would need to be implemented and explored to fully and properly address the problem in a proactive way in order to make a significant change.
That is one of the things that makes me hopelessly addicted to writing stuff like this here.
A limitless source of ideas and perceptions to be able to mass spitball any number of ideas.
I mean, if it weren't for SW my idea would be posed to my echo chamber circle of friends who think exactly like I do and go no further than it launch. But with SW I am allotted access to people like you and others who have actually advance the idea into a more rounded construction.
Like my own person million person think tank. :-)
Thank you for this.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
You should check the stats of Australia when they imposed a gun ban
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Jake966 lot of bs happened after
Jake966 · 56-60, M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Jake966 yup
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
Have you checked the price of a Mini-14 lately? They retail between $800- $1400 depending on the options you want.

But I think a big deterrent would be to stop publishing and broadcasting the gunman's name. That's what most of them want anyway is to be famous because they will never be anything in their pathetic little lives.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@goodlil666 Holy hell man. I thought the Ar's were over priced.
My brother was a prison guard and they used the mini on the walls.

But you know you bring a crazy valid point to the table about the making a name for themselves.
Look at the dude, Hinkley I think, that shot John Lennon. Wanted to become famous for Jody fosters attention.
But in reality. What purpose does it serve to tell the world about the incident at all?
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@Dainbramadge I can see your point since the fame is really what most of them want. But the public will never go for that. But not publishing the shooter I think would cut way down on the random shootings. Maybe not as much when it's grudge or vengeance motivated.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@goodlil666 Oh sure. There are all kinds of motivations for people to shoot the place up.
But I was just addressing specifically the school type mass shootings and it;s relationship to the media.
My answer to quiling the other types of shoot ups is eve less popular than my keep quit one. LOL
Give everybody a gun and then the gun is no longer the most powerful tool on the street.
God made man. Smith and Wesson made them all equal. LOL
@Dainbramadge The Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, 13 women in the Boston area, and the Boston marathon pressure cooker killings 3 died 260 injured.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@softspokenman Right.
I don't pretend that my idea is the cure all for all violent crime or for that matter anything more than a direction to explore rather than rehashing the same methods that yield little no no results.
You know if we were to reduce violent crime down to it's most absolute basic properties and be able to assign a root cause to it, we would probably simply just have to start revoking parent cards and teacher cards and start sending our children off to military school till they are of consenting age. LOL
Bumbles · 51-55, M
No one thinks an individual with enough determination won't get a gun. Your solution, gut the 1A. Mine, gut the 2A.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Bumbles Well. I'm not really sure. See it used to be common practice to not do the suicide stories and everyone just all complied. No one told them they had to do it. I don't believe they had a meeting to discuss it or anything either.
All I do know is it was common practice acknowledged that everyone abided by for the greater good.
I don't know when they decided they wouldn't be doing it anymore but the stats would probably reflect it.
The copy cat culture thing is a very real phenomenon. I mean you want to know how prevalent it is just search the phrase and look at all the responses to it.
I gotta tell you it creeped me out when I saw all the information available on it.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Dainbramadge I agree it would definitely help, though.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Bumbles Well the more I explore the topic with you great people who have chose to participate it is looking like it is too late for my idea to work. The cat is already out of the bag and I don't see any way to put it back.
So where I am at now with the topic of making mass shooting at school less of a thing is we have to put armed guards in all the schools. Lot's of them.
That too is a horribly unpopular thing but what else can we do that will guarantee that a sicko with any type of weapon is made to not be allow to kill my kids at school.
I am still working out options about this with my friend in PM. He is dead set against armed security in the school. Just as a lot of people. But sooner or later we have to stop wishing for an answer and just do what we all know will work.
Thank you for your contribution. :-)
Lostpoet · M
I agree with you about not making mass shootings and suicide a form of entertainment. They do it to sell newspapers and for t.v. ratings both of which are going out of style anyways.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Lostpoet Oh yeah brother. In the media industry they had to, at some point, decide that their ratings were more important than not triggering the copy cats and sense freedom of the press is protected and the act of stifling the suicide or now the mass shooter info was strictly an honor bound duty, it was also unenforceable. No honor among those who exploit the the worst of man for ratings.
People (males?) who commit mass murders usually plan them and they don't use a single shot muzzle loader. Eliminate guns they will use something else, Ted Kaczynski, the 'Unabomber' is one example but I haven't seen many of those either. I haven't seen other incidents in large numbers like Hinkley. People who murder others have mental problems "The Criminal Mind."
@Patriot96 Yes!
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@softspokenman This reminds me of an article posted in playboy magazine in the late 80's on the topic of gun control.
The writer started out with the simple fact that if someone wants to kill another person and the gun was never invented they will use the ever so popular claw hammer or a simple brick.
Thank you for this. :-)
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Patriot96 I was using Ted as an example for another topic not to long ago.
Ted used a tool that many public figures and influencers have exploited for centuries both for good and evil. He used his charisma. His wicked charm and unassuming demeanor.
I kid you not, when I meet people any more and have an instant attraction to them I put up my guard and start looking for signs that I am being charmed by a possible next Ted Bundy.
So, in a nutshell, if we keep mass shootings quiet, there will be less mass shootings?
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@MistyCee Pretty much sums it up. I mean really what purpose does it serve to tell the world about a shooting in a small Kentucky town?
I mean what are the chances that somehow, 1200 miles north, I may have know someone involved and be effected by it? Actually if I had any connections to the event I am sure someone would call and tell me.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@MistyCee Just don't tell the shooters identity I think .
bookerdana · M
Too late to ban the damn things we have more weapons here and more mass shootings than the next ten countries..its scary......You also can't ban legitimate news stories.......I have no idea how to recapture mental health.......I blame everything on social media and video games!!!! (J/K on the last item)

Welcome back,buddy...you do awright with the trusty flame thrower!📣🔥
bookerdana · M
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@bookerdana On a chart I found about the topic graphed from '66 to I think '22
Around the late seventies the chart started to sharply increase in frequencies.
bookerdana · M
@Dainbramadge Not surprising ,really,everbody knows theres something thats gone very wrong in our country,they just don't agree on whats caused it ,or what to do about it..."Where there is no Wisdom,the people perish"
Tl;dr. Is there anything in there that explains why the US is so radically different from other countries that control guns so successfully?
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP The US is what is considered to be a gun culture and always has has been. We built this country mainly using guns.
Other countries were already established, for the most part were already completely civilized buy the time the gun became available mainstream. So it was easy to just say you don't have a need for a gun in the city and there are no wild areas where you either defend yourself with the gun or you perish.
See. It was crazy wild everywhere here when we moved in. We had mean ass Indians that wanted to kill us all the time and the only thing that kept that from happening was the gun.
Wild animals were a constant threat and we could only keep them from eating us with the gun.
We had to hunt every meal with the gun.
Anyway. This gradually was tamed and the absolute need for a gun ever so slowly became a less important.
So it is actually kind of like a frog in a frying pan. If you slowly turn up the heat the frog won't realize that it's getting hotter to the point that he will cook before he moves.
We never had an occasion to mark a specific time that we could all say... ok ... guess we don't need guns to survive any more. We can live with out them.
So instead we just kept continuing to incorporating the possession of guns as the norm.
I hope that makes a little sense at least.
@Dainbramadge It makes perfect sense: American gun culture, American individualism.... so it's not a matter of necessity, it's just that gun ownership just has far too much momentum to be stopped any time soon
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Well jeesh.
If you put it that way it sounds like we are just spoiled brats that don't want anyone to tell us what to do.
But seriously there is a bit more to it than that but for the most part you are spot on.
I mean we still use them for self defense. The criminals use firearms it is only fair that we have the same advantage that they have.
But my post covers a lot more than just the gun.
There are other factors involved that are actually the bigger problem with mass shootings than the gun.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Dirty harry had it right. Just announce a limp dick coward did something. No name.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@MasterLee Very concisely put. LOL.
But i am finding out that my plan has it's limits and the fringe of implementing or even attempting to implement anything I wrote could have possible catastrophic reaction. LOL
It has been presented that, at this point in the media game, that if the news services attempted to start the omission of mass violence or suicides again like it used to there is a strong possibility that it would create an even more vile and destructive force. Instead of the conventional media covering it the blood thirsty sensationalism addicts would flood the internet in droves to provide that information in an even larger scale than now and completely unregulated.
Kind of funny. Create something with nothing but the best of intentions and inadvertently cause the end of days. LOL
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Dainbramadge willing to risk it
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@MasterLee I know right. I am a " well cross that bridge when we get to it" kind of guy too. LOL
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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@jshm2 Yup. Crazy the way the machine has taken on a life of it's own.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Arrest all mentally ill democrats, which is all democrats
You forget to factor in one thing, shooters do not care, most buy illegally, or steal them, circumnavigating background checks, and ignore these signs as well, knowing they'll get zero resistance.
You and the other antigunners don't think, do you.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 It was directly relevant to the topic I was addressing. I also reference people lip sinking audio clips of jokes. I won't delete that either.
I went to your profile and read a bit of your stuff.
I am a bit confused with your interactions with me because you seem like you have reading comprehension skills. But what you are asking me about is almost like your not sure where you are.
So, I will take a second and say. I don't know what you are asking. Try to be more concise and stop beating around the bush.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Dainbramadge I think he took your example of mimicking others such as the young girls do on Ticky Tok as wanting to restrict how young girls dress, some people pick and choose the topics from long posts such as your OP to take issue with because they don't understand the post to begin with. 😵‍💫😊
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 Dude??? Where did you go???
You can't just come into my life get me all excited and then just leave.
I have needs you know. I am a human being with feelings and wants and dreams.
I'm not your toy to turn on and then just abandon me.
Seriously you didn't get any answers yet. Don't you want to know about the girls from TicTok?

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