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Have you noticed that nothing ever gets done about gun violence? ~

It's sadly funny how every time one of these mass shootings occurs, people get all worked up for about a week, wringing hands about gun laws and such, but nothing gets done or even initiated. Then other news comes along and they go back to sleep until the next one happens, and they get all worked up for about a week, and again, nothing gets done or initiated, and the pattern is repeated as other news comes along and they go back to sleep until the next one occurs, and so on, and so on, and so on. Now here we are, almost 10 years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and 23 years since Columbine High School, to give two examples, and nothing has changed.

It all just gets filed under Sh*t Happens.
AbusedNeglected · 41-45, M
Need drama to keep people from seeing other evils lurking in the dark.
@AbusedNeglected Um. Are you saying mass shootings are all false flag things?
Ya know, I just got chided for a "timely" question here, and it gets back to this question.

I think the answer to why we haven't done much about gun violence is that its just not much of a priority to a lot of people.

Lots of folks don't give a crap about other human beings and are primarily motivated by self interest.

I could make a case for humanity, and the long term interests of these folks and their descendants, but it's a really hard sell for them when they think more guns or their guns are a better deal for them short term then an alternative which might be better for the rest of humanity.

It's hard to argue against self interest with sociopaths.
@RedBaron So why outlaw murder or robbery if people don't abide laws?

I get the problem, i.e., criminalizing conduct doesn't stop it from occurring, but penal laws are the best we've come up with.

The alternative is what? Wergilds?
RedBaron · M
@MistyCee Because it’s what civilized societies do.
@RedBaron Yeah, I agree, but isn't civilization and the whole social contract/live together and cooperate a liberal/commie thing?
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
Well before you jump on guns what is wrong with my idea which is to follow the Uvalde Board of Education safety plan which was in place to deter just such an incident. If they has simply followed their own safety plan which you can find online this likely would have been prevented.

Pay particular attention to number 17

17. LOCKED CLASSROOM DOOR POLICY – Teachers are instructed to keep their classroom
doors closed and locked at all times. Barriers are not to be used. Substitutes shall follow the
same policy, with campuses ensuring they have access to the classrooms they need
throughout the day. The Standard Response Protocol procedures are on the back of all of
our badges issued to substitute teachers.

Also the policy states: Secondary campuses have staff who patrol door entrances, parking
lots and perimeters of the campuses.

So an intruder would have to get through at least 2 locked doors if they followed their own policy.

Why not lock the door instead of coming after my second amendment rights.
RedBaron · M
@Johnson212 I wasn't jumping on guns, whatever that even means. I was just pointing out the cycle of nothing being done about these shootings.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron yes we have been saying over and over to lock the door but they still dont, guess we are not good at learning lessons
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Johnson212 · 61-69, M
That is cause guns are not violent people are, you want to do something about gun violence do something about the violent people behind them.
RedBaron · M
@Johnson212 Indeed.
@Johnson212 Lol. I agree. Guns are not the problem and we shouldn't punish them. Can we put them on reservations, safe from people that might corrupt them?

I apologize for the sarcasm, but we run in circles around this. People commit crimes and guns make it easier to commit them. They also can enable people to defend themselves from criminals.

I'm not going after you personally, but the guns don't kill, people do thing is really simplistic and kind of silly, imo.

We regulate the sale of explosives, biological and nuclear weapons, even though we want our government to have them in case someone else uses them.

I get that firearms are historically significant and that the 2nd Amendment is there for a number of reasons, but why can't we accept that some things, like anthrax spores or semi-automatic weapons shouldn't be regulated and "restricted" at least in terms of carrying, if not in terms of ownership.

Obviously, its about access, but stiffer penalties for gun realated crimes alone dont seem to help much.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@MistyCee It is not just historically, it was there in the bill of rights specifically so it could not be taken away, just like the right to remain silent, freedom of the press and the others, some of them are not for historical reference and some to protect rights in an ongoing fashion. It is our protection against tyranny be it from our own government turning into something against the people or another. I know it may sound preposterous to you but I bet there were people in Russia and pre war Germany who thought the same, that no way would their governments turn into what they turned into but they did. What I have a hard time accepting is that people would obsesses with going after guns instead of locking the school door.
black4white · 56-60, M
Sad but true...and honestly if the govt buys back semi-auto/full auto ASSAULT rifles at like $7500-10K per weapon NO QUESTIONS asked... i am certain they will get plenty back to help as long as then after that ASSAULT rifles are banned. This country does NOT have to ban every single gun there is... Just the senseless ones such as ASSAULT rifles that citizens use.

This would be a GREAT help with the situation as most mass shooting are with those types of weapons
black4white · 56-60, M
@RedBaron YES so true so true.... the goal is to BAN ASSAULT rifles....and then to try and make it so there are less of them on the market... thats why the buy back price is high.... becuae 90% buy them and never use them except for targets the first year..then thats it.. lol
RedBaron · M
@black4white Not really. The reality is that you can get anything for money regardless of what the government does. We’ve seen it with Prohibition and marijuana laws.
black4white · 56-60, M
@RedBaron TRUE.....but numbers go down of ASSAULT rifles and thats the main goal
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Observed and noted. Yet not a thing will be done until the second amendment is modified. Most especially with a conservative supreme court.

And they are there for life!

No federal or state law will pass a conservative supreme court even if it should pass congress, which it also will not!

It's that double barrier that all conservatives have wanted for decades.

Change the second amendment and they'll have no choice.
RedBaron · M
@DeWayfarer It's incredibly naive to put this on one party or the other. It's much bigger than politics, and anyone intent on shooting a bunch of people is not concerned with courts, laws, and constitutional amendments. That's why gun laws wouldn't make a difference.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@RedBaron doesn't matter! It just won't get done for any reason. Mine is just as valid reason as the next!
smiler2012 · 56-60
now i am not american so you may be able to help me on this one . i agree with you it is a tragedy what has happened in the elementary school in texas . again you are right about people jump and down then after a week . alas in the the united states am i correct to say in your constitution you have right to bear arms . may be hard to change if so as the right in american politics will fight tooth and nail too maintain this constitution [ redbaron ]
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
No one talked as much about the NY subway shooter either.
RedBaron · M
@MrBrownstone Bernard Goetz. Indeed.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Yes. The political dysfunction in the USA is almost total.
They can't act on global warming at all, nothing from the government on a national health service, vigilantes illegally run the southern border, endless war in Europe, Africa, the middle East and now the Pacific ocean- wealth stratification, dying, shrinking population.....
Nothing from the two parties.
Gun control in California has gotten more strict. I can't speak for the rest of the country except Texas. Texas is more independent than other states.
I believe it was the Sandy Hook murders that the guns were obtained from a parent. @RedBaron
RedBaron · M
@Spoiledbrat Exactly my point about gun laws being useless.
That has nothing to do with gun laws. 😐 @RedBaron
Fairydust · F
That’s because they wanted it that way and now they’ll take them off you for the reset. Because once you know what’s happening and it starts going off, you’ll need your guns to defend yourself.
AbbySvenz · F
H.R. 8, H.R.1446
RedBaron · M
@AbbySvenz Two pieces of legislation that won't prevent mass shootings.
AbbySvenz · F
You don’t wave a magic wand and get a perfect solution right out the gate. Especially when it comes to legislation.@RedBaron
RedBaron · M
@AbbySvenz Kind of the whole point of my OP.
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Texas has different laws surrounding guns.
Kind of hard not to notice
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NiteRaven93 · 31-35, M
RedBaron · M

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