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SEL in schools

Is mental health care.

It is Social and Emotional learning.

Conservatives have made this the new boogie man....while at the same time calling for "better mental health care" to stop mass shootings....while also, at the very same time failing to fix the affordability of healthcare (and subsequently mental health care) in this country.

School counseling is NOT Rreplacement for outside mental health therapy. SEL starts in elementary school.

Do you see the problem now?

* Don't teach my kid about how to interact with others socially or how to deal with their emotions
But also...
*We need better mental health care...guns are not the issue..
But also
* we can't have universal healthcare and include mental health, vision or dental...
And also
* we cant talk about any of the issues kids face in school...not their identity, the indentity of their family..or any thing of that nature...and we definitely cant support them with this if their parents do not support their identity...
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I think conservatives would rather bury their heads in sand and pretend there isn’t a problem than actually do anything to solve the very real problems facing the country
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Zaphod42 They aren't burying their heads in the sand. They know exactly what theybare doing.

When you start to look at this in terms of an end goal...it is unchecked power.

Diminish education (no discusion of race or history, banning books, creating laws to punish teachers and librarians)
Diminish helathcare( keep them sick and mentally unstable)
Stop abortion(need more white babies)
Stop birth control
Punish homosexuals and trans people
Jail Minorities
Suppress vote
Rig elections gerrymandering
Election fraud(which has only been found to have been commited by republicans)
Do nothing about the gun problem. Get more guns into the hands of people.
Radicalize the people with propaganda. Make them fearful.
Also got the classic distractions.
Not long ago American mass media was making a huge fuss out off Trans using the female toilets. FFS, there are more pressing issues than this.
Your children are more at risk at Church than being with a Trans in the toilets.
90% of rapes are done by people known to the victim AND about 30% of those by a FAMILY members
No, just demonise an easy target in Trans or gays and let's not think about what Uncle Arthur is doing in the back shed with the kids.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
We have been doing something similar to that in the UK for about 20 years. It's a very good for social development, particularly when there is a multi-agency response with engaging to the curriculum.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

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