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comment for Dr Watson

this post is not private but probably not meaningful for everyone who reads this board.
in a previous comment, i mentioned to you that I would like to make 2 comments regarding the 1999 film "Inherit The Wind." the first comment was in that comment, and the 2nd one is here below.

in the film there is a small character played by William Sanderson

He plays a man who lives in the small town where the trial is being held. At one part of the movie, there is an outdoor fair and Jack Lemmon's character (Drummon) attends the fair, even though he already knows that he is persona non grata there. The William Sanderson char comes up to Drummond and says "You know we're just simple folks here. Why don't you just leave us alone?" and then he sticks his tongue out at Drummond to emphasize his point. Drummond shyly looks down and walks away without a word.

I cannot say that I would have the right argument to make on the tip of my tongue, if i were Drummond in that moment. But here is what I believe is the best answer to this man, and anyone else like him, including people who use simple minds:

The question is not about leaving anyone alone. The question is whether or not in a country that upholds individual freedom, justice and equal treatment under the law, that a person can be condemned to a criminal penalty of a jail sentence for the act of speaking about evolution in a public school, or any public place.
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Richard65 · M
I guess it depends what the actual law says in any particular state (I'm in England, so correct me if I'm wrong). If, say, a public school teacher today told a class of youngsters that Evolution is completely wrong with no basis in scientific discovery and was invented by Communists in order to brain wash young Americans, then quite rightly that teacher should be fired from his/her position. It wouldn't be a matter of the personal right to free speech, because they are in a position of authority with the power to influence a classroom of children who are there to learn from an official curriculum set by the education authority. The teacher, by not sticking to the official curriculum, would be in breach of contract or even breaking the law. Where teachers are concerned, they are not free in a classroom to say whatever they like.
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
@Richard65 you're right about firing a teacher, and the grievance that results in not heard in a criminal court case. that's why i specifically made a point about criminal conduct and criminal penalties. do you support sending a teacher to jail for speaking about evolution in a public place, such as a school? this is a yes or no question. the film referenced is about a criminal trial. they tried to sentence the teacher to one year in jail.
Richard65 · M
@pdxlinux no, I don't believe in jailing a teacher for that, but the trial was in 1925, it was an entirely different world back then.
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
@Richard65 thank you for answering. yes the film is a warning to us about the kind of people that did that. it is extremely relevant to America now and extremely relevant to the South. many people who have responded to my posts in comments have revealed that they have the sentiment that was typified by the character that i mentioned. "We're simple folk. Leave us alone." Simple folks are not exempted from their responsibilities then nor now. Simple folks who don't care about the freedoms of others are not quaint, cute, innocent, nor virtuous. When they use the legislature, the courts, police, jail to enforce mob justice, whenever it suits their sensitive feelings, they must be opposed and subjected to justice. If we are not vigilant it will happen again, and another poster here has made references to such actions occurring now in America.
4meAndyou · F
Dr. Watson is on vacation, and will return in 3 weeks. If he hasn't seen this today, you might want to repost.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Drummond’s reaction was one of sympathy to Sanderson. Sanderson’s statement of being a “simple people” conveyed to Drummond that they were not simple as in normal, everyday people, but simple-minded people with a limited understanding of what was at stake for the future of the towns’ young people.

Mr. Cates was educating, not indoctrinating. That was what the town and their simple minds refused to understand. Drummond felt pity and there is no good reply to that.
JSul3 · 70-79
Drummond chose to not react. Bravo to him. What would be the point?

It reminds me of what may be the second well known quote from the film Cool Hand Luke, made by Captain (Strother Martin): "Some people you just can't reach."

Drummond knew there was no point in replying.

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