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Should certain violent crimes, especially predatory crimes, be a one time and your are out (lifetime) sentence?

I've often thought and strongly believe that certain crimes, and their perpetrators, are unforgivable. That no sentence less than a lifetime sentence with no chance of parole should be given. That is especially true for those crimes that are predatory in nature.

A predator will always be a predator. End of story, and a predator should be jailed and never see the outside of a cell for the remained of their life. That's my strong belief and conviction.

What do you think, and if you care to explain your thoughts, please do so.
Miram · 31-35, F
We have things backwards. People who grew up in extreme environments are later put behind cages as if their reality was any better.

And those who were equipped with the tools to rise above cruelty and had rather comfortable lives are let go off within months even, to even kill and rape.
Miram · 31-35, F

But that's not how it works or what would happen.

And you can't really punish people for crimes they committed if they have to do them to survive. You have to first provide a just economic system. Otherwise it is not justice.
Ontheroad · M
@Miram I know that isn't what happens, what I'm asking is should these predatory, violent, heinous crimes be given harsher, lifetime sentences.

Crimes committed by the desperate are not often predatory, violent and heinous crimes and while they should be punished, I agree they should not be given maximum sentences.
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I cannot ever understand how anyone who killed anyone can ever be allowed to be free from jail
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User That is absolutely how I see it too. I wonder how many would not have been murdered if we had zero tolerance? I have had a family member killed by a man who killed someone else and was released after only 7 years. Ironically, we have zero tolerance for making certain non-woke comments in our society but murder, not so much.
@Riverman2 Letting a killer out of prison without serving sufficient time has absolutely nothing to do with being "woke", for goodness sake ! You folks have latched onto that term like a dog with a bone, with no idea what it even means ! 🤨
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard please reread my post.
Violence is and will always be part of human nature. That said we need to find a way to deal with it.
I believe serial killers and rapists do deserve an instant lifetime sentence to ensure the safety of all others. I also believe that prisons should be exclusively for such people who commit violent crimes and are without any redeeming qualities.
@Ontheroad It's not that the majority would set them free rather the system is fucked and enables people who committed terrible crimes to get off easy (especially when the criminal is rich) and puts drug offenders for years behind bars.
Yes the system needs to change
Ontheroad · M
@SW-User I tend to disagree. If the majority want them locked away so they can't commit the same acts again and again, then the majority can do something about it. Speaking of course of a country that has one form or another of a democracy.
@Ontheroad It's not like all trials and cases get a large media attention and they do not give insight into it. Even in a democracy (the US one for example is very weak) people can't vote on or change just anything they want.
Valerian · 100+, M
Pick a large very desolate island. Drop them All there! No 🚫 Staff Supervision or Rules.

Randomly deliver barely molded 🦠, stale & expired foodstuffs, years old 'People' & 'Golf Digest' magazines from Dentist Offices and surplus stale beer possibly tainted with toxic ☣️ wastes.

Once a year have a Hunger Game type Competition and the One 🙋🏻‍♂️ Person at the Designated Spot at the Designated Time gets taken from the Island and to supposedly be put into a real kinda nice Prison for life, but always 'accidently', (seatbelts are important), falls from the helicopter 🚁 on the way back to land. 😭
Ontheroad · M
@Valerian Okay, that's a bit in the inhumane territory and while I understand the rage, frustration and horror of it, that for me is a bridge too far.
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
no you need to look at the actual context of things
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Ontheroad didnt seem so earlier today 🤣
Ontheroad · M
@MartinTheFirst It was more that I was having a difficult time seeing exactly where you were coming from. When the light came on, so to speak, I understood we were not going to disagree and I'm good (with rational people) with agreeing to not agree.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst No. The judge would oversee the trial to ensure it was fair. The jury would determine guilt or innocence regarding the predatory crime.

But once determined to have committed the predatory crime ... in other words, once determined to be a predator ... then I don't think the context of the crime matters. If one commits a predatory crime one has lost their right to walk among us. I'm sticking with my original position. I don't need to know WHY a predator hunted another human being before locking him/her up.
I believe that the punishment should fit the crime.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Theyre definately to easy on them.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
I believe in rehabilitation and therefore I believe that there should be at least the possibility of parole.
Ontheroad · M
@TheConstantGardener I too believe in rehabilitation, but not for all criminals and not for all crimes.
kodiac · 22-25, M
The ones that prey on kids shouldn't get life the should get death period
Ontheroad · M
@kodiac I'm not opposed to the death penalty for certain crimes against children.
GanglandCriminal97 · 26-30, M
Just execute them at that point. It's more humane.
Ontheroad · M
@GanglandCriminal97 Execution, at least for me, is too easy - they need to suffer the consequences of their actions for years and years to come.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I think if you take a life then why shouldn’t you serve a lifetime in jail.

I also believe pedophiles should be castrated.
Ontheroad · M
@iamonfire696 Generally speaking I agree... in some instances there are extenuating circumstances, but for the predators, violent sociopaths, etc., (pedo's, rapists, violent kidnappers and the like), they need to be locked up and never be free again.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Ontheroad I agree
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Ontheroad · M
@Ferise1 If you can't discuss things civilly, then go elsewhere.
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Ontheroad · M
@Ferise1 Man is not a wolf. Carry on.

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