Gusman · 61-69, M
Child abuse comes in many forms. Physical, sexual, Psychological. When children are abused their young mind is filled with negative thoughts and reactions which are entrenched in their young, developing minds.
This is why a large percentage of abused children grow into adulthood really screwed up. If the only thing going into the young mind is negativity then the only thing to come out is negativity.
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will surely kill me, is my rendition of the Tracey Lawrence song, Sticks and Stones in 1991.
All forms of childhood abuse lasts a life time inside the minds of those affected.
We live in a world full of abusers creating a world full of severely screwed up people.
Unfortunately this will never change. There are hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children being abused right now.
One really sad aspect of this is that there are adults who know this abuse is happening but, " Do not want to become involved " A sad, sad situation indeed.
I implore all adults who suspect child abuse to discreetly talk to the appropriate authorities so enquiries can begin.
Help those who can not help themselves.
This is why a large percentage of abused children grow into adulthood really screwed up. If the only thing going into the young mind is negativity then the only thing to come out is negativity.
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will surely kill me, is my rendition of the Tracey Lawrence song, Sticks and Stones in 1991.
All forms of childhood abuse lasts a life time inside the minds of those affected.
We live in a world full of abusers creating a world full of severely screwed up people.
Unfortunately this will never change. There are hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children being abused right now.
One really sad aspect of this is that there are adults who know this abuse is happening but, " Do not want to become involved " A sad, sad situation indeed.
I implore all adults who suspect child abuse to discreetly talk to the appropriate authorities so enquiries can begin.
Help those who can not help themselves.
Miajackson · 46-50, F
i agree. Im careing for a child who was physicaly and sexually abused by her parents. So i know it can destroy their mental state

Why not pain for all abused people in general?
Miajackson · 46-50, F
Goes with out saying but i have seen just how much more worse abuse effects a child compared to a adult
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Good then don't do it