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Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Appear in Court to Answer Charges of Non Payment of Child Support

But Hunter the Deadbeat Dad has been hiding out inside the White House with Joe, to avoid being served with legal papers.

Apparently he is not making enough selling $500,000.00 paintings to pay child support.

And good ole Joe is enabling his son to break the law.
graphite · 61-69, M
Arrogant, disgusting Bidens, knowing they are above the law. 😠 The Bidens refuse to acknowledge the existence of this little girl.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@graphite she also recieved death threats and grandpa wouldn't pay for security for her
graphite · 61-69, M
@MarineBob Because Grandpa is a PoS crook just like her father.
TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
It makes no difference.
He will not serve jail time and I think he'll pay out of court.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
People want to Re-Elect him
On top of All his Other issues
No Thanks
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
But he has "D" after his name! That makes his actions ok!
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4meAndyou · F
@MarmeeMarch He has two...the child by the stripper is the one he refuses to acknowledge even though the court ordered DNA test proves she is his child. The Stripper's child is four years old. He has a three year old child by someone else...can't remember whom, whom the Biden crooks acknowledge.

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