Just like nurses and teachers and such, I have met some good ones and some bad ones.
KateATX · 41-45, F
The overwhelming majority of them are dedicated public servants. They have to make life changing decisions in a split second. And then when there is one bad actor they all have to suffer for it. The reality is they are humans. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Some are good some are bad. Some are smart. Some are not so bright. One of my cousins in a chief of police in a smaller city. Another cousin was the head of police training in another city. I rarely interact with police otherwise. One cute story. I was driving through a small town while talking on my cell phone. That is against the law here and a cop turned on his lights and stopped me. I was imagining the $350.00 ticket and the huge increase in auto insurance I faced. The cop asked for my license and registration which I gave him. He headed back to his car to check on my status and returned a few minutes later. He asked me when the last time I had had a traffic ticket. I told him that I couldn't remember. He said " I thought so. I can't find you in my computer". Here is your papers now please put your phone away and have a great day. I said thank you very much officer and you have a wonderful day as well. I left without getting a ticket.
FreeSpirit1 · F
I think most US police forces are poorly trained but most individuals go in for the right reason , they have to change the culture of US vs them where they treat the entire public as the enemy. It's a job I wouldn't want and definitely a tough one.
4meAndyou · F
Usually my only experience with the police is when they arrive to help. Wellness checks for both a neighbor, and earlier, for a friend, and also when they arrive after some creep does a Bang and run out in the parking lot and it's not caught on camera.
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daydeeo · 61-69, M
Overwhelming majority are dedicated men and women trying their best to do an extremely difficult, oftentimes dangerous, and largely thankless job.
TexChik · F
They put their life on the line every day.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
Overworked in a stressful job.
I avoid them... they don't do anything to help me, anyway.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Just because you've not done anything wrong doesn't mean you have nothing to worry about
KatyO83 · 41-45, F
A few real gems who really shine. The rest are criminals with a badge.
Riemelt · 22-25, M
They’re sound for the most part.
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With seven years in security, all positive